Hearts Of Iron 4 Japan Guide

This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. It was last updated forFor the Motherland.Japan starts out in 1936 as a. It has a leadership pool just large enough for proper research and little else, and an economy that is simultaneously small and resource-deprived even for its size. To succeed, Japan must expand.

  1. The ultimate WWII strategy game From the heart of the battlefield to the command center, you will guide your nation to glory and wage war, negotiate or invade. You hold the power to tip the very balance of WWII. It is time to show your ability as the greatest military leader in the world. Hearts of Iron IV is a good game for sure.
  2. Hearts of Iron IV is a strategy video game, but unless you’re a veteran of Paradox’s special take on the genre, it’s not what you’re used to. Company of Heroes this ain’t.

Hearts of Iron IV’s latest expansion focuses on World War 2’s Chinese Front. Waking the Tiger looks at the impact of Japanese Imperialism on the fledgling Chinese Republic.

Japan can choose to go to war with China starting on 1 July 1937. Quick expansion in China is a worthwhile early goal.

Where to expand next usually sets up a war against the USA and the allies or the USSR - and it is this choice of opponents that dictates the rest of the game. Contents.TechnologyJapan starts with plenty of Leadership to get all the equipment and doctrines future wars demand, but still research should be primarily focused on current year technologies to avoid heavy penalties.

Japan can start the game with around 15 to 18 leadership allocated to research, depending on the player's other priorities.Army technologies help ensure Japan maintains a quality advantage over its adversaries. Infantry technology: The backbone of Japan's military, steady research here will be important throughout the game.

In 1936, infantry specializations are important to work towards. Armor: Due to Japan's shortage on resources and general supply problems, armor is of very limited utility. But if you want tanks, a force of light armour regiments can really shine if you manage to blitz your way through the Chinese infantry lines, thus they will repay you ten-fold. Advanced players may consider medium armour, armored cars, and sp-art especially for later parts of the game and wars in India, Siberia and eventually for invading the US. Artillery At a minimum field artillery should be kept up-to-date.

Later on you will have to give your divisions adequate AT and AA capabilities to give them protection from allied and soviet bombers and armour. Advanced players might consider Rocket Artillery instead of conventional artillery considering they work better in the rough terrain of Asia.Naval technologies should be given priority due to the construction times involved and the inability to upgrade:. Escorts: Japan will need to choose one escort type: either a Destroyer or Light Cruiser. Due to the large expanses of water between frendly bases in the Pacific, the IJN can make better use of Light Cruisers.

Capital: To effectively project Japanese power to the provinces thousands of kilometres of sea away, a fleet built around Carriers is necessary. Carriers don't need to be the main component of the fleet though. Using of a healthy mix of Carriers and cruisers is advised to limit own losses.

If the Light Cruisers are picked as escorts, due to shared nature of practical, Heavy Cruisers can become a good capital ship supplement to the fleet. Subs: Submarines aren't advised for roles other than scouting and convoy raiding in safe waters and building large numbers of them isn't advised.Airpower research will become important once Japan confronts the Allies. Japan begins the game with advanced air capabilities:. Bombers: Tactical bombers with long range are very good choice for the future wars in Asia where airports aren't as common as in Europe. Due to shared nature of Twin-engine practical, it's worth considering supplementing Tactical force with some Naval Bombers, but not that many, if you have a good Carrier force. Close air support groups are not that useful, considering their limited range.

Fighters: Japan will not meet significant air resistance for a long while in the game, Allies and Russians will use most of their air force in Europe against Germans so fighter research isn't necessary until around 1940 when preparation for the US giant needs to start. Due to ranges in game for Japan, Multi-role is a better choice. Researching Drop Tanks is a must due to significant increase in max mission range for all light aircraft.General research is important for Japan:. Industry: Education, Mechanical Computing Machine, Electronic Computing Machine, Industrial Efficiency, Industrial Production, Agriculture and Supply Production are must-haves. After conquering China, your Energy supply will go up and developing the Coal to Oil Conversion research helps. Metal and Rares will be abundant after conquest of Indochina and India and there's no need to research their production. A small boost to Crude output is useful though.

Conquest of Dutch East Indies, will also help with oil and rare materials supply. Theory: Supply-related techs are a must-have for war in China or Siberia/India. Civil Defense Tech helps with increase repair rate of ships, planes and army units, but also provinces that have seen combat. All 3 requiring land combat experience can be researched very fast after conquest of china. Other research in this area should be ignored.

Land: Historically Japan specializes in the Grand Battle plan doctrine (Infantry, Artillery, Special Forces and Engineers). In addition to this doctrine tree, Operational Level Organization for reducing attack delays. Operational Level Command Structure for increasing attack movement speed. After those basics are covered, research of fast units like tanks or motorized/mechanized infantry can be pursued. Naval: Doctrines for ships of choice should be picked right away.

Other than that, Base Control doctrine is the one Japan needs to pursue the hardest. Especially Basing and Spotting research allowing to pour more supplies through naval bases and to detect enemy navies easier. Air: Air doctrines should focus on TAC for land army and CAG and NAV for navy. The following should be considered: Tactical Air Command, TAC Pilot Training, TAC Ground Crew Training, Port Strike Tactics, NAV Tactics, NAV Pilot Training, NAV Ground Crew Training, Naval Strike Tactics, Naval Air Targeting, Logistical Strike Tactics, Interdiction Tactics, Ground Attack Tactics, Fighter Pilot Training, Fighter Ground Crew Training, CAS Ground Crew Training, CAS Pilot Training. NOTE: Air Combat Experience will go up very fast while at war with China using your tactical bombers. After china is conquered, changing your research to the air doctrines is something to consider to take advantage of the high air combat practical.Distribution of LeadershipJapan has a barely adequate sufficiency in Leadership but situation vastly improves over time. Espionage: important for the first 10 domestic spies.

This will also become useful to increase threat on Yunnan and Guangxi Clique in order to declare war on them. Officers: ratio is ideal to keep high in order to maximize the efficiency of limited combat forces. Not necessary for the war against China, but will be helpful in later campaigns. Diplomacy: will be handled by other Axis powers, investing 2 points here to influence USA out of Allies so they can't join before 1940s is a possibility. Research will consume remainder of Leadership, often as high as 90-95% of it for most of the game.Diplomacy Axis - historical routeJapan should follow the historic route, joining Axis and making the Far East its playground. This is the most interesting course, allowing to clash all the non-Axis superpowers of the world over the course of the game. Starting with China conquest, later challenging European Allies for their colonies in Asia, helping Germans in their war against Soviets and finishing the game with invasion of the USA.

AI Japan tends to join the Axis very early.The AlliesJapan can join the Allies but this restricts opportunities for overseas expansion after China. However, there's no serious Axis threat in the Far East, the Royal Navy and USN would protect the shipping lanes, the US will trade most of the resources that Japan needs and it leaves open the option of taking on the USSR with Allied support (probably best done when the Allies are ready to re-engage in Europe or there is a risk that Germany will defeat the USSR and develop a direct threat to Japan in the Far East).CominternJapan can join the Comintern and then follow the historical expansion into the Dutch East Indies, Philippines, Borneo etc. This offers great opportunities for resources purchase while providing an alternate ally to assist against the power of the USA - likely to become a substantial threat later in the game. The USSR, while geographically closer than Germany, cannot offer much in terms of practical support.Non-alignedThe fourth option is to remain non-aligned, building up Japan's own strength through expansion into China and Indochina.

But once done, there are limited opportunities without coming into conflict with one of the main factions. At some point Japan has to choose - it pays to decide early in Single Player games, but can be left until it is more obvious which is likely to be the stronger faction in Multiplayer. In both, the player will benefit from picking their own time.Diplomacy DecisionsMarco Polo Bridge:The decision to go to war with Nationalist China becomes available on 1 July 1937. It will reduce Japan's neutrality and its relations with other majors.

Hearts of iron 4 japan guide download

Nationalist China will drag most of the Chinese minors with it with the exception of Yunnan and Guangxi Clique. It is generally a good idea to begin this war sooner rather than later, with tangible advantages gained by doing so before the winter.Establish Mengkukuo:This creates a Japanese puppet state Mengkukuo. Practically speaking, this state will serve no purpose throughout the course of the game except to prevent partisans from uprising in the few provinces controlled by the puppet. A decision to expand the state is possible by capturing two more western provinces of Uxin Ju and Shizuishan. This will expand Mengkukuo by approximately eight provinces.Annex French IndochinaThis decision will appear in the Diplomacy screen after Germany beats France and Vichy is established. If Japan is a member of the Axis, the player will be able to press Vichy for French colonies in the region and they will then cede Indochina.

This offers around 15 IC and a bunch of resource-producing provinces, mostly rich with Rares and some Metal too. If you have taken any of the Indochina provinces then you will not get this decision. After the fall of France, Vichy ceding French Indochina to Japan and Siam surrendering its independence to them, Japan gains control over a very rich area netting around 20.0 of each Energy and Metal and more importantly around 40.0 Rares per day ending long-lasting drought for resources for Japanese industry.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Japan Guide

To top that, control over strategically crucial Saigon naval base is assumed allowing to easily launch invasions into the East Indies.Put pressure on SiamRight after Vichy cedes Indochina, Japan will be offered a third decision. There are two ways out of it.

Siam may decline to join the Axis and Japan will then be offered the opportunity to declare war on them or let them go. More often, Siam will accept and become a Japanese puppet from whom Metal and Rares can be obtained cheaply.PoliticsJapan begins the game with a fractured government. Changde airport, 1940. Upgraded with 1939 Medium Fuel Tanks, Tactical Bombers have mission maximum range almost as big as China itself.Japanese starting airforce has very good numbers and a highly versatile nature. Major expansion can be neglected until later in the game. Tactical bombers - Japan's 5 tactical bombers (TACs) are useful for softening troops and turning the tide in tough battles in China.

Interceptors - The 4 Interceptors (INTs) will not have much to do throughout the game. Multi-Role - Multi-Role fighters are the preferred type for Japan due to their longer range, resilience in combat and versatility. Naval bombers - Naval bombers can be useful for Japan, even to the extent of building one or two more.

That said, with effective CTFs, naval bombers are a luxury and not a necessity for Japan. Close air support (CAS) - CAS have a very limited range, so are not that useful for Japan, but later in the game, they will do wonders when the IJA will find itself faced by swarms of Soviet and Allied Armour. Carrier air groups (CAGs) - CAGs are by far most important asset for Japan's airforce: all air research should be directed towards them at a minimum.Command OrganizationSee the for an overview of all Japanese military commanders. Keep in mind that leaders at the Army level and above do not rank, thus are best suited for leaders with relatively low maximum skills.Theaters:.

Imperial (Daihon'ei): This theater (hopefully) has a very limited role in the game since it is focused on the mainland. Traits are highly ineffective at this level, but the logistics trait can offer modest assistance. Kanto Shiata-Gun: Stacking penalties will not be a significant issue in China, thus the theater commander is not particularly important here. Offensive traits can offer minor assistance. China (Shina Shiata-Gun): Based in Formosa, it will send it's armies composed of infantry and mountain troops. Indochina: Based out of Singapore or Saigon, this is an important naval theater.

Since limited land fighting is necessary, traits other than logistics offer little value. Soviet: Logistics are the primary concern for this theater.Army Groups:All of Japan's army groups will have similar needs: to reduce supply consumption. Since all starting commanders at level 4 have good upward mobility for ranking, the best early game choices are generally level 3 commanders. As a result, ideal commanders are Dohihara, Amemiya, Hirota, Homma, Honda.Army:Armies are assisted with organizational bonuses, and generally benefit from offensive traits.

Thus, Tsuda, Shima, Sakai T., Minami, Asaka, Baba, Obata.Corps:Japan begins the game with a limited number of Corps, which is a pragmatic way of dealing with the short range of corps HQ which is unsuitable for Asia. Corps commanders are primarily only useful for specialized units where traits can assist the whole unit.Division: Japan will generally have only a handful of divisions that witness intense fighting. Most other units will serve to simply hold the line. Note that Japan has a relatively limited number of commanders, thus many garrisons should be left without any commanders.Notable commanders. Land: Yamashita is the best Japanese land general in the game, with four different specialities. Starting at skill five, he is the only Japanese commander with a maximum skill of 9. He's known as the Tiger of Malaya, because he conquered the region for Japanese.

Example attack plan for Shanxi in terrain map mode. The main push is organised south and north of Shanxi capital in Beiping to surround the defenders and offset defensive bonus of urban terrain with an attack from multiple directions. North flank guarded by Garrisons. Another push made into Dalian area to quickly connect with the force landing north of Qingdao and Jinan.China fields a fairly large army of under equipped soldiers with outdated technology. The nation's infrastructure is atrociously bad, particularly for modern armies that consume fuel.

Thus, the Imperial Japanese Army will have to maintain a very large front while using as few supplies as possible. China's navy poses no serious threat, but will have to be defended against simply by stationing fleets outside of both of China's ports.PreparationJapan's starting army is sufficient for defeating China: on harder difficulty levels a few extra corps are useful. Essentially, two armies should be formed:.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Japan Multiplayer Guide

North China Army: Composed of three to four full infantry corps (e.g. A total of 12 to 16 infantry divisions).

Japanese forces in Manchukuo can be moved use to form the Northern Army of Japan's invasion into Shanxi, though not all forces will be needed. The Mongol Army, for example, is more useful as a part of the Central China Army. This army group will be primarily tasked with three strategic objectives: (a) defeat Shanxi (b) defeat Communist China; (c) invade Western China. Central China Army: This Army will be tasked with taking China's two naval ports Qingdao and Shanghai, and thus will stage separate landings. Calvary is useful here for exploitation, while Mountaineers are useful for southern China.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Japan Guide 2

Possible gains from Bitter Peace for Japan are extremely small, a tiny slip of land around Vladivostok and nearby islands plus some small amounts of Energy resourceWar against the Soviet Union will be the most challenging land engagement that Japan faces in the game (short of landing on US soil). As a result, considerable planning and preparation is necessary to ensure success. Japan is a secondary player in this war: Japan's primary focus must be on ensuring Germany's success.Siberian FrontAs a general rule, Japan can only have a limited impact on the war via the Siberia front. Japan's first and most obvious objective is to secure the Soviet port of Vladivostok.

Beyond this, Japan's goals generally include the Primorsk and Khabarovsk regions. Successful combat here requires approximately one Army (Homen-Gun) comprised of approximately 3 to 4 corps. The Soviet force in the Primorsk region is highly vulnerable to encirclement. Achieving this will deal a heavy blow to the Soviet Far Eastern theater for the first year of the war. All Soviet ports are worthy of capturing fairly quickly, as they will provide facilities for Allied submarines and harass Japanese convoys if given the opportunity. Mongolia is fairly easy to defeat with a single, preferably mountaineering, corps.

Irkutsk is a worthwhile target for its of fur.Japan will not be able to push too far into Eastern Siberia, as the infrastructure is too low to supply an army large enough to hold the eastern front. Thus, the Japanese player must have assumed another axis of attack to have a meaningful impact on the war against the Soviets.Caucasus FrontA second and more ambitious front for Japan to manage is a front through the Soviet Caucasus region. Establishing this front essentially means that Turkey, Iraq and/or Persia have been defeated or brought into the Axis. These territories are then used as the staging ground for the Japanese invasion. Doing this successfully requires two full Army Groups (So-Gun) of approximately 10 to 14 infantry corps total. Rostov So-gun: The largest army group should aim to capture the city of Rostov as an anchor for its operations. Divisions can stream along the Don river to the East, forming a basic defensive line behind the river.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Japan Guide Pdf

This can extend all the way to the Volga and through the city of Stalingrad, which is an obvious objective for the Japanese forces. Baku So-gun: Best compromised of a some mountaineering corps, this army group can begin pushing Soviet forces into the natural pocket that will be formed as Japanese forces gain control over the Don and the Volga.

As the two fronts merge, a significant encirclement of Soviet forces will occur.Once the first major encirclement of Soviet forces occurs, Japan needs to aide Germany just once more with a second and final encirclement. The main Japanese Army Group can move West towards advanced Axis forces to create a second pocket of Soviet forces. Once sufficiently collapsed, the Soviet surrender will be eminent.

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As a result of extensive involvement, it is possible for Japan to achieve the of conquest of the Soviet Union itself.War against the USAIt is in Japan's best interest to delay war with the USA for as long as possible. This is possible to manage until around 1943, but if the Soviets are defeated earlier and the UK is eliminated as well, the USA should be Japan's last target.

Philippines: A US puppet close to the homeland. US Pacific Islands: Guam, Wake Island, Midway, Johnson Island & HawaiiGaming the SystemA possible strategy is to set and maintain 10 spies in the USA from the very beginning of the game, using the support our party mission. If you do this and maintain it while influencing them towards the Axis once you're in it, it is extremely likely a fascist government will come to power in the US in the 1940 election. This should make it impossible for them to join the Allies until declared war upon by a member of the Axis.See also.Navigation.