Hearts Of Iron 4 Supply Lines

Open 'Documents Paradox Interactive Hearts of iron IV Save Games', open new created savegame-file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral 4. Go few lines below to maxtraits=0.000 and add following code block behind it inprogress=. Print out all console commands or a specific command description. Supply calculation is a bit obtuse in HoI3. It is not really clear how it is calculated from a first look. There is an intrinsic system of depots, and then you need unbroken lines between those and the provinces supplied by them. Look at the supply map mode, and click on a province, to see what source it draws it supply.

This article may need to be in part or entirely.Please help us improve article.This page provides strategic advice for effectively using the supply system. To understand the workings of supply centers, supply networks, supply throughput, etc., visit the article.General Tips. Offensives:.

If you are on the offensive and you start to see units out of fuel, slow down the pace of the offensive. This includes not advancing units, holding off attacks, and decreasing airforce/navy usage.

If your encirclement is going slow (past the 15-day reserve), be very careful about the supply lines, which now run along the front. Lost provinces and infrastructure damage from battles will be very bad for the forward units, so try hard not to let that happen. If your front stops, check to see if it's because of supply problems before sending more divisions. If supply is the issue, adding more units will create a local collapse, and you really don't want that to happen. Weather: If you try an offensive in Asia in the midst of the monsoon, you will have supply problems. Regardless of tech and infra. Also storms and really hot or cold weather is not good for your supply situation.

If you are having problems with supply, 99% of the time the culprit is overstacking of units in weather/mud/snow, so if your units are out of supply make sure to check the weather map. Supply centers: should be surrounded by friendly territories. Although bypassing large swaths of empty enemy territory makes for a quicker advance, the fewer the territories you have, the less throughput you have. Additionally, having more territories makes logistical bombing harder, as the supply system has more avenues to use when infrastructure is damaged. Convoys: take it off auto create and destroy to improve efficiency for exactly where supply is needed. Ports: Expansionist players should build ports even when they may not be needed, and then deploy prebuilt ones when new territory is captured. Infrastructure:.

Mind the infrastructure when attacking enemy territory: switch to pure infantry and drop artillery brigades from divisions. Pure mountain divisions are perfect for bad terrain especially when armor is not expected. Asia is a prime example.

For long term occupation you may want to upgrade provinces with poor infrastructure. It is pretty cheap, and doesn’t cost manpower.

Once land becomes annexed however throughput doubles and revoltrisk drops. Transport planes: Have some handy, they are great for spot issues that need to be dealt with. However they are expensive IC wise. They are great if there are supply hiccups, just be sure they are also in supply. Partisans: Will pop up no matter how well you suppress your land - create fast moving, low supply consumption units (AC, Cav) to take care of them. No supplies pass through territory occupied by partisans. See.

Supply tax: Each time supply moves from one province to another a supply cost is accrued. In occupied land(land with occupation policies applying) the transfer cost for supplies moving between provinces is affected dramatically by revolt risk. When the province transfer has revoltrisk in it, an additional amount is added to that transfer cost. Occupied revolt risk can cascade into overwhelming values if left unchecked, crippling supply and resource/ic province values. Occupied land due to a low ceiling(throughput) and the higher risk to supply tax increases, is the land you should focus on suppressing. Focus on your lowest throughput sections first as the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Deploying single MP brigades along supply lines improves your throughput dramatically.

This strategy is only necessary when the land is occupied. Annexed land has higher throughput and the revolt risk in annexed land is fixed and small. An example of annexed land would be land that has nationalism as its revolt risk instead of partisan support i.e. Land earned from a nation which was conquered without setting up a GIE (Government in Exile). In TFH, suppression was changed so it affected both occupied and annexed territories. Allies: Use ally’s supply network to relieve bottlenecks in your own network.

Base your aircraft and Navy on allied territory. Note that your allies will get from your stockpile equal to the supplies your troops consume. Keep in mind, however, that your allies supply network may start to develop problems as well. Technology: Research the supply techs to the maximum amount. Basing technology as well. Supply network: Avoid overstacking a province. Putting too many units into one territory can cause supply to be consumed faster than it can be supplied.


Leaders: Set up the command hierarchy and put your highest skilled leader at the Army Group level. Then use Logistic Wizards in the Army and Corps HQ as much as possible. This will save on supplies. Strategic Deployment:. Units under strategic deployment will bring their full supply reserves with them, which can be useful when deploying to areas without supplies. Strategic redeployment costs two times the divisional supply need, though it requires no fuel, so use it wisely.

Hoi4 Logistics

They will not have fuel when they arrive and will have to wait for fuel to catch up. Collaboration: In occcupied territories, change to a collaborative government. This reduces the partisan activity, thereby decreasing the loss of supplies as they go through those territories. The downside is that you not be getting any IC production from those territories.Logistical Combat. Destroying their Supply:One way to quickly defeat an enemy is to destroy his supply. This can be used to hold back the hordes or to quicken your spearheading attacks.Many times getting a break through or cutting off the enemy is not the problem. Its the days and days your herded enemy can keep up the fight that saps you of available units and manpower hits.

Below is what is needed and what to do. What you need to employ this strategy:. A good deal of supply planes (at least six), you will run out of supply at some point no matter how careful you are so they are needed anyway and are what you will need to defend against this type of strategy if used against you. You will need at least three tactical or strategic planes. Since most countries start with at least one type of these planes you should be set with no need to produce more for initial small and medium scale conflicts. At least six interceptor planes to protect your other planes.

How to implement it:. Your strategic or Tactical planes will be used for Logistical bombing runs. Yes this destroys infrastructure, but your supply planes will nulify any issues you have with this. This should be surgical when attacking. And scorched earth when you are being overwhelmed. Make sure your planes are protected, and don't worry to much about over stacking just try and keep it to no more than ten of your own planes in one provence. Your goal is to entrap the enemy or push him through a bottleneck then logistically close it off.

A good example is a fully fortified province will fall if you destroy it's supply and wait it out some with a single attacking division. Units out of supply can not enter enemy territory, so your troops will not be attacked. Troops with no organization will retreat, and if entrapped will blow away like the wind. Once trapped to your liking, it can be as large an area as four to six provinces, but should be minimized as much as possible.

Start doing logistical bombing runs. This will destroy your enemy's supply and being cut off will ensure he is not re-supplied. Another option is the defensive gauntlet. Enemies usually invade by a breach in the line and then flood through that breach. If you destroy that provences infrastructure to zero and don't allow the line to desentigrate the enemy will quickly run out of supply. If the enemy is seriously running you over like what was happening to Russia when Germany originally attacked.

You can try and drop the infrastructure of all border provinces. A scortched earth tactic. Without strong air supply support any offensive is going to be greatly slowed. And yes, taking that territory back is going to be a very slow process. Last another option is with air support your supply planes can ensure behind the lines units, cut-off units, etc. Are kept in good supply to continue the fight.ReferenceFor more informationa and documents, see.

Hearts of Iron IV is a strategy based video game based on World War II. The game has been developed by Paradox Interactive. The game usually tends to attract people who play FPS and MOBA games.The game was released on June 6, 2016.

Hearts of Iron IV is the sequel to Hearts of Iron III which is based on the war period during 1936 and 1948.Alike rest of the titles from the Hearts of Iron series, Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) is also a grand strategy game. The game mostly focuses on the period during the second world war.More About Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4)Human history is filled with tragic examples of wars & World War II is one of them.

World War II was terrifying, petrifying and horrific. No matter how terrific wars are, it is always interesting to learn about them.Simulation games are trending these days and Hol4 is one of them, but the funny part is a lot of simulation games are boring or no fun to play at all.However, Hearts of Iron IV which is based on the simulation of the period during the second world war contrasts other simulation games in a number of ways. The game is extremely complicated and it gets more and more interesting as you keep playing it. Paradox Interactive, the developers of the game have done an incredibly exceptional job in thickening the plot of the game.The game truly demands your strategy and decision-making skills. Main features of Hearts of Iron IVHere are some of the major features and key points of the game which make it even more interesting. Authentic and Real-time War SimulationHol4 lets you choose the greatest commanders of the WW2 era to fight your war with the tools of the time; tanks, planes, ships, guns and newly discovered weapons of mass destruction.

Excellent User InterfaceHol4 has a similar user interface as the previous titles from the Hearts of Iron series with just a few minor and major changes. The game provides a fairly clean interface which is easily navigable. This ensures that players do not get frustrated during gameplay.The map too has an astonishing interface which makes it much more easy to read. It’s made up of approximately 11,000 provinces, sea regions, and air zones. Hol4 simulations are very life-like, the weather patterns, day and night cycles show each and every minuscule detail which makes it more and more fun it to play. A True Test of Your StrategiesUnlike other strategy games, Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) truly demands your strategic skills. Passing each level, Hol4 will keep testing your strategic skills as you continue playing the game.The game, however, tends to focus on one’s individuality and how big a strategist he/she can be at times of dire need.

If you are looking for a challenge and some total mind-boggling experience, Hol4 will not disappoint you.A number of variables are at play during a battle. Every variable, no matter how small or minute, can change the course of battle in a single move. Controlling such variables which have the power to turn the tables in a single move, is far more challenging and interesting at the same time.Must Check: Multiple Playing OptionsUnlike other games, Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) can be played in number of ways. You get to control various factors such as time, climate, etc. As I have mentioned before, you can choose any nation that existed during the Second World War between 1936 and 1939.

You can choose from the greatest powers striving for victory, or small nations who are just trying to weather the storm.The option to play the game in a number of ways compels any vivid gamer to replay the game again and again. Influence of The GameThe game dates in the period of the Second World War. While playing the game, you are prone to come across various historical ideologies which conflict with your own.

Nations like Germany, Japan, Italy, United States, Britain, France, and The Soviet Union who were the major participants in the World War II try to implicate their historical ideologies on you. The game highly influences you and gives you an alternate perspective of the history.

Hoi4 Infrastructure

How to Enable Cheats?The game sound fun to play, right? But sometimes, there’s always some level where you get stuck and can’t seem to get past it. This is where cheats come into play. Here, you will find Hearts of Iron 4 cheat codes which will help get past levels if you ever get stuck.To enable cheats, you need to open the game console, which is a special debugging window accessible in non-ironman games. To open the game console, you need to press ” ^ or ° “.You can use the arrow keys to shuffle through previously executed commands. This ensures that you don’t have to type in the same cheat or command again and again.If your game console is disabled, you can enable it by pressing Shift+2, §, , `,^ or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3.

Keys vary with different keyboard layouts.Note: In-game console can only be accessed in non-ironman games. You cannot access the console in Ironman mode. Enabling Country Tags in Hearts of Iron IVGenerally, country tags are not case-sensitive and are normally typed in upper-case, for ex: CHI, RUS, ENG, etc.Upon typing in the country tag in the game console, new nations will spawn with the corresponding flags.Now all that’s left for you, is to use any of the cheats from the table below.

Use them however it suits your needs, but beyond all that, make sure you really do enjoy playing the game. List Of Useful Cheats and Commands for Hearts of Iron IVBelow you will find list of helpful cheats and commands which will make your experience of Hol4 more fun and joyous. Hearts of Iron IV CheatsCommandEffectExample/Commentaddequipment(ae) (equipment amount) (equipment name)Adds equipmentEquipment uses the basic name so 'ae 1000 InfantryEquipment1'.addlatestequipment(ale) (equipment amount)Gives player amount of latest equipment variantswhitepeace(wp) (country tags)White peace with the specified countries.teleport(tp)Activates the Teleporting toolallowdiplo(adiplo,nocb)Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Wiki

(Can declare war without justification)debugnukingAllows to nuke every province without checking any conditions.instantconstruction(ic)Toggles instant construction cheat.This code will also affect AI.