Mass Effect Indoctrination Theory 2019

  1. Mass Effect Indoctrination Theory 2019 Episodes
  2. Effects Of Indoctrination

In its death-stare, it attempted to force a rapid indoctrination on Shepard. Now if Shepard chose correctly, he can wake up, and get to the Citadel in proper gear. I always imagined a Quarian-Geth field team will find him Geth being the heavy-hitters and best survival chance against Reaper ground forces. You don't grow metal in your eye because of indoctrination, but there are a lot of space magic reapers do from mass effect 1, starting from the mass relays themselves. That shit is impossible. And indoctrination does begin by being in contact with reapers.

Mass Effect Indoctrination Theory 2019 Episodes

2644d ago (Edited 2644d ago )Article seems like a nerd rant by one of the few people who just want the ending flatout changed. 2643d ago'Bioware didn't just drop the ball at the end.'

Yes they did. Everything you've done on the 3 games was absolutely for nothing. Every choice youve made in the end was meaningless. Bioware dropped the ball just because of this fact. Besides this indoctrination theory is nothing more than fans trying to give meaning to an ending full of plotholes and that doesnt make any sense. People are just grasping at straws. No one knows for sure.

IF in fact the indoctrination theory is right it doesnt give closure to the trilogy at all,wich means that you will most likely have to pay for the real ending. 2644d ago@Dlacy.Number one, not every single person is going to sign something like that. Even if they think the ending was the worst thing since apartheid, some might not be passionate enough about the game to actually go join a cause for it.Number two. A quick google search shows that sales of ME3 dropped 80% from week one to week to. From 2.4 million units to 500k or so. People were complaining about the ending as early as a day within the games release and word spread fast. Do you really think the complaints about the ending had NOTHING to do with that?

It's possible they don't, but it's hard to argue with's the link if you don't believe me. 2643d agoI don't really want to get in a statistics debate on here, but I'll just go ahead and mention that surveys tend to interview a sample of a population to get a feel for the general consensus. 50k is not a big number in ratio to total units sold. It does appear to be a big number in ratio to those voicing their opinions though.

Effects Of Indoctrination

Did some people enjoy the ending? Are all of them taking to the internet? Of course not. Same goes for the other side though. 'Didn't complain,' is nowhere near the same thing as 'satisfied.' I guarantee you the guys at Bioware are not looking at 50k vocal protesters and saying, 'oh well.' They're looking at the big picture, recognizing the possibility that they are seeing a legitimate sampling of consumers, and assessing how much damage this will do to their plans for DLC and spin-off titles.As for my above comment, I was just stating the facts.

Pam hasn't beaten it but thinks it can't be that bad; 50k vocal fans disagree; I hope he comes back with an insight to win me over to liking it. I'd like to like it if anyone can point out something I missed, so power to him and good luck. 2643d ago (Edited 2643d ago )I didn't think it was that bad either. People complain that the ending felt incomplete or didn't explain everything, well, it doesn't have to does it? Many movies(Inception, in recent memory) leave the ending to interpretation which is exactly what this game has managed to do.


The fact that it wasn't a happy ending is not a new concept either. The only legitimate complaint I see people having is that their decisions throughout the game didn't have that big of an impact at the end (besides what crew u had end-game and the many different missions you did along the way).I recommend listening to PC Gamer's podcast on the game, screenwriter Gary Whitta shares his opinion on the ending too. 2644d agoEven if they did use it, as brillaint as it is, theres no way people would actually believe Bioware had it planned from the start.well at least I wouldn't. They probably saw the Indoctrination theory thought it was a better ending then were they were heading and changed the second ending again to fit into that theory.I would know for a fine fact that they changed the ending in November after the leak, they couldn't get the ending finished in time so they gave us a half finished ending so they could finish it off later to sell as DLC.but you would obviously get those obsessed Bioware fans who would actually think they did have it planned from the start. 2643d ago (Edited 2643d ago )Even if this was the intended meaning, it's not brilliant. No ending should require this level of interpretation and deciphering.

I don't think an ending needs to be clear-cut and obvious, but a much better writer would have made the ending still satisfying to those who don't care about going through everything with a fine comb. Mulholland Dr, as eccentric and surreal as it was, still had an emotional and final closing to the film, but also maintained its ambiguity to all but the most diehard fans.A good ending is one that provides closure but also leaves things open to interpretation. Mass Effect only left everything open to interpretation without the closure.Its just a shame that an otherwise amazing game is being overshadowed by the outcry over the ending.

2644d agoI didn't start my me3 ce yet, I feel like I want to restart me2, I've missed a lot of paragon answers, and only talked to 1 or 2 team mates, after each mission. Many times I picked non paragon answers, which gave me a 50/50 Shepard. I lost 3 mates during the final assault, the little Kelly was killed, I arrived too late.I want to restart, do a 100% paragon, while I read all the codex entries and planets and everything (do you guys know Miranda can't have babies?), I didn't talk to my mates, only the second half I played a bit more after the missions.I'm at the end,on infamous 2, after resistance 3, and now infamous 2, I'm ready to play mass effect 3.its like a cerise sur le gateau, I keep my me3 unboxed, because I know I will have a great time.great time.

But I'm not sure if I have the courage to restart me2. Maybe I should just load a saved file, 3 or 4 hours before the final mission, and play it again, with the good teammates, so nobody dies.I choosed to keep the collectors base, and not destroy it. Will this have a great(er) impact on me3?I don't know if I will like the end or not, but after spending more than 96 hours on me2, and I think I will spend at least 50-60 hours on me3, I'm ready to forgive everything from bioware, including a 'not the best' ending.

How could I offend the guys who will have given me more than 150 hours, of pure happiness, that my gamers hearth will never forget?Do people realize 10 years ago, we were playing half life, unreal, serious Sam, age of empire 2, Diablo 2 games, at low resolutions, with crappy textures, and a game like mass effect 2 or 3 couldn't exist, even in your craziest dreams?It's like when we have a huge teeth or head ache, and we just pray it finishes soon, and we can feel well, again. But when we are fine, we don't stop 3 seconds and realize how lucky we are, to feel good.We don't realize how lucky we are, with today's games. How many times we skip a great game, because it is only a 7/10 game, according to a few reviewers, only because that game isn't like X or Y game.Yes, people, sometimes, we should stop a while, and think. Think about how lucky we are, to be alive, to have some money to buy games, and to have studios like bioware, that gave us more than 150 hours of gameplay, where, for the first time, we really care about people, and we feel(I did feel) we're really inside the game, making choices and influencing people around us. Never I felt this, before playing mass effect 2.So please, people,let's wait and think, before talking, for nothings. 2643d agoWhether or not the indoctrination theory is true, it presents an interesting scenario. What it paints is a picture of two games we've played where we thought we were doing the right thing.when in reality, all of it could have been driven by the Reapers and Harbinger (in particular).We know the effects of Indoctrination, and it's certainly likely that although Shep is resilient, he was killed in ME2's opening.leaving him in a state that the Data Logs on the Illusive Man's base seem to point to susceptibility for indoctrination.