Mount And Blade Spice

I am on a play through as a merchant right now and am doing this exact thing.I have a company of 75 top tier cavalry, and I am just trading and killing bandits.Tulga and Ichy and towns have spice and salt sometimes. Get it all, travel to Ahm-whatever and sell one or two there. Salt sometimes in that area too, if you find it in the 120 range it sells in the central towns (Uhx, Dirhm, and Veluca for 220+).Buy all the dyes/dates/pottery/salt from Ahm-whatever and surrounding towns (Maybe Durqu-town worth a stop for dyes). Cut through to Halmar and sell dyes. Continue to Suno and sell remaining spice/dyes/dates, and buy oil. Go to Praven/Sargoth to sell oil, get fish.

  1. Mount And Blade Space
  2. Mount And Blade War Band Spice

Then go out to Khudan and Curaw (and Riv) for iron, silk, then head over the mountains to Ichy and Tulga again. Fish to Tulga and Bayerie make a few bucks profit, beats going empty handed. My go to peace time trade route.


Quick and easy and almost everything i buy can get a decent price almost everywhere, so if we go to war in the middle of my trading, or prices are not as good when i go to sell, i can always just dump the load off in any city.spice from tulga and sell to sargoth/wercheg. Salt from sargoth/wercheg. You can get a surprising price for it in rivacheg. Buy silk and stop off at curaw to pick up some tools.

Sell some tools in suno, dhirim, or uxkhal. Sell silk and remainder of tools in jelkala and buy velvet.

You can sell velvet at a decent price in shariz and then go check on your fiefs or you can take it to tulga and buy more spice.if you are low on funds when you start this route, start with salt. Zard album collection 20th anniversary mp3. If war breaks out salt will be hard to get rid of at a decent price as it is produced in many places. Tools can be hit or miss when selling them. I recommend selling velvet to shariz and then checking on your holdings as this route is too short for stocks to reset.

By the time you make it back to tulga they will not have any new spice for you to buy.

After completing the merchant’s quest you can either start to trade, pillage villagers or start to help the lords. I recommend starting to help the lords with their various tasks. Most of these are simple but they have high rewards. One tactic that I use is when I receive a quest to get the taxes from a town or village investing this money into trading and hopefully make a large profit to pay back the money you used without losing any of your own. I have several times not had a great trading experience and was forced to raise money from robbing farmers and looting villages just so I can pay the lord the money that was owned. If you have a good trading trip pay the Lord back and keep the 1/5th share he offers and the profit from the trading. Once you have chosen what your character is going to be like and given him/her a awesome name it’s time to start.

Mount And Blade Space

You will arrive in the city of your choice and be attacked by a bandit. Using your crossbow/bow/other ranged weapon and finishing him off with hand weapon is the best course of action in this case. You will then be approached by a merchant who will try to give you a quest. Take this quest as it will give you a taste of what is to come and also makes some coin for you to support your soon to e growing army with. Posted in Tagged.

Mount And Blade War Band Spice

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