What Does Tali Look Like Under Her Mask

I was just HIGHLY disappointed to learn all they did was use a pre-existing picture and shoop it fairly lazily. They couldn't have hired a model to take a unique picture? They crafted Miranda after the likeness of a real person's entire body, but they couldn't get one damn picture for Tali? I am disappoint.Cost vs. Miranda had the potential to be in the party for 99% of Mass Effect 2.


This answer contains spoilers, please don't read before reading the graphic novel or watching the film. Although the identity of V is never revealed during the graphic novel or film, it is possible to gain an insight into what lies beneath his ma. There comes a point in Mass Effect 3 where, your actions permitting, you get to see what Tali looks like under her mask. To say it's a crushing disappointment is to take the piss.

Tali's picture is seen once and then done. I have no problem with how she looks in canon, nor do I have any problem with the way they decided to show it.

I was fine with how she did look. I always pictured space elf, but the photo they used was good enough.I was just HIGHLY disappointed to learn all they did was use a pre-existing picture and shoop it fairly lazily. They couldn't have hired a model to take a unique picture? They crafted Miranda after the likeness of a real person's entire body, but they couldn't get one damn picture for Tali? I am disappoint.This is exactly how I feel.I am fine with how she looks, it's just pretty damn disappointing they didn't hire someone to pose as Tali's model.but I totally expected Bioware to go the 'space elf' route, because Enkindler forbid the neckbeards get taken out of their comfort zone.sniff.


Your post sir is simply too awesome to happen.I would've loved if the Quarians had ugly deformed, peeled off skins to show the impact of the Geth/Quarian conflict and that they no longer live in their natural environment. That also would've made the Shepard/Tali ten times more interesting and that's really not saying much.captca: mum's the word.You got that right captcha. I was fine with how she did look. I always pictured space elf, but the photo they used was good enough.I was just HIGHLY disappointed to learn all they did was use a pre-existing picture and shoop it fairly lazily. They couldn't have hired a model to take a unique picture? They crafted Miranda after the likeness of a real person's entire body, but they couldn't get one damn picture for Tali?

I am disappoint.This. I was fine with the shopped image and thought she was beautiful.UNTIL I learned it was literally just a strock photo that can be easily found over the net, and that's when I saw the pathetic shopping compared to the original image.Then it felt like I'd been lied to.Seriously, I would have been okay if they never showed her face. It would have been disappointing, but I'd have gotten over it. I'd be too distracted by the godawful ending. I was expecting them to simply not reveal it.

Nothing was gained by including it, nothing would have been lost if we were never shown. Given that they deigned not to create an actual character model for this, I'd have actually preferred if they left it a mystery (a photo just doesn't have the same impact). Though as to what I was expecting.well, I never had a solid image for them in my head, but I was certainly not expecting them to look like humans who had an accident in shop class. I was expecting them to at least look as foreign as the Na'vi in Avatar did. Conceptually.I'd say this probably came closest to how I figured the quarians would look. Spoiler: Click to View PHA+PGltZyBzcmM9Imh0dHA6Ly90aDAwLmRldmlhbnRhcnQubmV0L2ZzNzAvUFJFL2kvMjAxMi8wNTgvNi8wL3doYXRfZG9fcXVhcmlhbnNfbG9va19saWtlX19ieV9iZWhua2VzdHVkaW8tZDRyOG5zZy5qcGciIGFsdD0iaW1hZ2UiLz48YnIgLz48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vamFzb25iZWhua2UuZGV2aWFudGFydC5jb20vYXJ0L1doYXQtRG8tUXVhcmlhbnMtTG9vay1MaWtlLTI4NzYxODQxNiIgdGl0bGU9IiIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPlNvdXJjZTwvYT48L3A+It's not perfect, mind you, but it works as concept art. It's not as exotic as the Turians, Protheans or Elcor, but unlike the image Bioware gave us it actually feels like a separate species rather than a sub-species of homo sapien.I was going to post but I see that this thread has devolved into that 'LOL Tali is really a predator' meme.

I dunno, some people seem to really hate Tali fans for some reason, saying that they hope that Bioware makes her ugly just to screw with us, I just don't get that. Why would someone want a product that is going to be released to the general public to be crap simply because they don't like the way that people who like it act? You don't see me going around saying 'Herp Derp I hope Half Life 3 sucks' even though I think the fans are annoying do you? I suppose that there are some obnoxious Tali fans on the BSN but is that any excuse? Are you telling me I just need to find one concentration of people who take something too far and then its a ok to wish failure upon them and their expectations? Should we be praying that Fallout 4 should be bad because No Mutants Allowed exists?

It seems rather shallow is all.Well I might as well post about what the thread was supposed to be about, I saw a space elf myself, but one that was clearly not Human and more well done than the lazy cop out that we got. I never imagined a face for Tali. Whenever I'm presented with a masked character I just accept the mask as their 'face'. I don't see the point in imagining a face, either they never reveal it and it doesn't matter or they do and whatever you imagined was probably way off. Either way you're setting yourself up for disappointment.Yep. Pretty much that. If they're always in the mask, you mentally characterize them as such.

Take off the mask, they're not the same individual you knew with the mask on. I looked at Tali's photo, and nothing in my head agreed with it. This what I think she should look like. PHA+PGltZyBzcmM9Imh0dHA6Ly90aDAyLmRldmlhbnRhcnQubmV0L2ZzNzAvUFJFL2kvMjAxMC8wNTMvYi80L1F1YXJpYW5zX2J5X1BvbHltb3JwaGljR2lybC5qcGciIGFsdD0iaW1hZ2UiLz48L3A+Not gonna lie, that's how I think the female Turians look.OT: Like a cyber night elf with less long ears. I will always associate Quarians with purple because of Tali's character design, so I think of Night elves, who are also purple. That's how I imagined her.Bioware's design is nice, however, but they could've got a better way to present it.

I mean, not only the normal arguments of it being a lazy stock photo shop, but also in how you get to see it. A picture, one that is fairly hard to see thanks to the light, is just picked up and viewed.

What Does Tali Look Like Under Her Mask Movie

Hardly the ultimate moment where the player finally sees what the Quarians look like, a race that has lived inside full body suits for hundreds of years. It felt so underdone, more of an after thought.One of many reasons why I feel Mass Effect should have stayed in development until September, at least. That way, possibly a better ending, the game would be more stable on the PS3, Multiplayer could be expanded to be more meaningful and most importantly someone could have put in some fucking quest tracking! Seriously, what was up with that?Calumon: I thought she'd look Russian.Jack: People from Russia don't look like anything in particular.Calumon: You mean they're invisible!?:O.