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Do you know the value of your tractor or combine? Other equipment? We’ve partnered with to offer free appraisal data for common equipment: tractors, combines, forage harvesters, balers, mower conditioners, skid steer loaders, sprayers, windrowers, and cotton pickers.If the equipment was manufactured in the past 20 years, you can get a free appraisal. Your equipment's estimated value will be determined using standardized data and methodology that has been used in the agricultural equipment industry for the past 80 years. This is the only appraisal that uses actual dealer reported sales transactions as the basis for valuation.

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As the Internet auction powerhouse gradually shifts toward favoring big powersellers and facilitating the sale of ordinary, mass-produced products like iPod cases and Wii consoles, Mr. Hudak and his start-up, have returned to eBay’s original mission: trying to unlock the value in people’s hidden stashes of junk.Ztail, based in Palo Alto, Calif., wants to help casual Internet users sell those one or two items currently locked and forgotten in the bowels of their basements. The company’s’ original offering, last year, helped people list items for sale on eBay and then publish those listings on blogs or social networks.Last week, Ztail introduced another interesting e-commerce tool: “What’s It Worth,” a sort of Kelley Blue Book for the era of participatory media. Users can list any item on Ztail.com and ask other members of the company’s user community to offer estimates of its value. People can also post the What’s It Worth widget to their blog or social networking profile and poll their readers on the item’s value.

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Current and former eBay listings for similar products can also be dredged up and compared or combined with these other estimates.“Our long-term goal is to be the definitive pricing guide for all products,” said Mr. Hudak, a Ztail co-founder. I’m sorry, but this is just stupid. What incentive do you have to go to a site like this unless you want to buy something? What incentive do I have to give them all this value data? On Netflix, I’m helping to build a more accurate profile of my viewing habits so it can suggest films for me to watch I haven’t heard of.

A subreddit created so you can try to find out what that item you have is and what it is worth! R/WhatsThisWorth Guidelines. Please do your research. We aren't here to search Google for you or check eBay for you. Please post with a descriptive and informative title Everyone is here to find out what something is worth, so grab our attention with some details. There's something happening here What it is ain't exactly clear There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound Everybody look.

But here, I’m just doing work for them. Why waste the time?But more importantly, there’s only one way to judge whether pricing info is accurate – that people are willing to actually pay their money to buy it.

Ebay has become the default source for pricing information not because it’s reasonable, not because a matter of what people think something “should” be worth, but because it reflects what something actually IS worth. I have a ton of small things around the house that I’ve never gotten valued, couple extra sets of old golf clubs, picture frames, TONS of clothes, cutlery, cameras, shoes, sd cards, sports equipment, etc – ever since getting engaged, I’ve been told I need to upgrade almost everything I own.

My only option thus far has been to wholesale it to a charity for a fraction of the value. If ztail can figure out a way to get me off my lazy butt and sell these items, e.g.

Surprising high value, than I’d be more than happy to use and recommend their service.The real question should be – at what avg value point will consumers take the time to value, post, and sell/deliver their random stuff online? If $3100 of value is the avg, pay me $500 right now and I’ll give you all of my stuff to sell online and you take the entire proceeds. Perhaps that’s your gimmick, give incentives to check out the value, you’ll pay 10% of the avg ($310) for anyone who posts at least 30 items and also gives values for 50 items.Nassau county is holding a huge ‘online garage sale’ with surplus inventory, I bet they could have used zTail valuations in the auction as a ‘buy it now’ type feature or simply as a valuation tool for what to bid. This is a welcome idea.

When I moved last year I looked into selling some of my kids old DVDs and my retired mobile phones on ebay. I had always wanted to try eBay but never had the motivation. I had a rough time. I found myself immersed in a world of people that seemed to know a lot more about ebay than I did. It was like thinking you were going to a community garage sale and than ending up at the swap meet from hell. I gave up after a few minutes.ebay has a dilemma.

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The company makes money from power sellers who buy and sell products every day. At the same time, the company does it best to support casual sellers like me. The net result is a schizophrenic experience that disappoints everyone.

The answer for ebay is to find a way to work with start ups like Ztail that bring fresh thinking to an old problem.-Matt H. In response to the comment andrew made earlier about lack of incentives:There are plenty of ways to incent users for contributing their time and expertise to a website. Off the top of my head, sites like Epinions and ChaCha come to mind as companies that pay users who contribute to the site (Epinions = Reviews, ChaCha = Searches to phone).I agree that Ztail has a long way to go before the amount/accuracy of appraisals make this site a helpful destination when looking for an items worth.

That being said, if they can make it work I say good for them! One thing I have noticed in emerging markets around the world is very efficient networks for reselling products you don’t need. Want a newmobile phone, trade in your old, buy a new one. The great thing is someone else quickly gets your old phone and you get cash.We have it so good in the US that we tend to just keep stuff around. Want a new mobile phone, buy a new one, put the old one is some sort of nifty specialty storage box and stick it in the garage. With the economy turning down it is great to see companies like Ztail figuring out how to put an extra $3,000 in everyone’s pocket without the moneybeing borrowed from our grandchildren and mailed from the White House.Washington DC could use more of Ztail’s kind of thinkingSharon. This is a welcome idea.

When I moved last year I looked into selling some of my kids old DVDs and my retired mobile phones on ebay. I had always wanted to try eBay but never had the motivation. I had a rough time. I found myself immersed in a world of people that seemed to know a lot more about ebay than I did.

It was like thinking you were going to a community garage sale and than ending up at the swap meet from I gave up after a few minutes.ebay has a dilemma. The company makes money from power sellers who buy and sell products every day. At the same time, the company does it best to support casual sellers like me.

The net result is a schizophrenic experience that disappoints everyone. The answer for ebay is to find a way to work with start ups like Ztail that bring fresh thinking to an old problem.-Matt H.

I actually like this idea. At first I agreed with the author that it is somewhat easy to search past listings on ebay, but then I wondered about how accurate those might be. For instance, I know a lot of stuff doesn’t sell on eBay because the reserve price is not met. If the seller had an easier way to know how to price an item accurately, that could help solve this problem for all concerned.Secondly, there is the opposite problem I have.

When I sell stuff on Craigslist, I often err on the side of underpricing it just to move it without much fuss. If there were some fast, free Kelley Blue book for everything, it could help me capture the value I am missing.Granted, zTail is aways off from offering values people trust, but the idea is powerful. If we can predict elections and TV shows’ success pretty accurately with a very small sample size, the same principle may apply here.

Great idea if they can execute and deliver more accurate appraisals as the network of appraisers grows. To all the hard work that Ztail and their staff did – great job, but this to will not work – their original offering to help people list items for sale on eBay and then publish those listings on blogs or social networks failed. This is why they’ve morphed to this new “What’s It Worth” model.

The problem with this has been previously mentioned – no one cares what “you (or I)” think an item is worth; only what someone will actually pay for it. Epinions reviews and other similar “wisdom of crowds” sites work because there isn’t a “definitive authority” – so there is value derived by viewer from the collective group input(s). With Ztail there is a “definitive authority” it’s what that person who is interested in that item will actually pay or has paid (on a historical basis – those less relevant based on current price fluctuations) – so what a group says means really nothing.This site and its model is fundamentally an eBay listing tool which doesn’t materially assist households to overcome the challenges inherent on eBay which keeps them from selling on eBay or Amazon today.

Deriving value is a key factor in enabling efficient commerce – and using large data sets to derive value whether from historical sales of similar products or opinions of value from the masses (the marketplace) in prospectively extremely useful in deriving the value / the worth of an asset. The key for Ztail will be the availability of data and therefore the usefulness of the data it can present to the average seller. For my 2 cents this makes me more comfortable as a buyer and seller and more likely to enter the marketplace and transact confidently. If executed well this should have significant value to online marketplaces. Can they build the traffic, the data and keep it coming? That will be the key to their success or failure. There is absolutely a need for this kid of service in the market – it will flush out those who have not yet taken to the internet for frequent buying and selling of second hand goods (much like Kelley Blue Book did for used cars – now you can buy/sell cars with confidence).

Good for Ztail. Consumer adoption will be the hardest obstacle for Ztail to overcome, but in viewing the site it appears that they have shortened the on-ramp to selling items on the larger platforms like EBay and CL. Once they have acquired some consumers/fans and have reached some mass in the pricing feature the true value in the product will be in being able to justify the price of just about any item and then publish it to sell in a relatively turnkey environment.

I am going to keep tabs on their growth and try and unload some lesser used items in favor of filling my gas tank.