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Pemakaian pertama yang membuktikan bahwa bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa resmi kenegaran ialah digunakannya bahasa Indonesia dalam naskah proklamasi kemerdekaan RI 1945. Mulai saat itu dipakailah bahasa Indonesia dalam segala upacara, peristiwa, dan kegiatan kenegaraan baik dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulis.
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- Learning Indonesian is an audio course in Bahasa Indonesia, the Indonesian language. It consists of a collection of high quality audio lessons covering very useful real-world topics. We designed our free program to be a small course in itself.
- TATA BAHASA BAKU BAHASA INDONESIA (Pengantar, Pengertian Dasar, serta Bunyi Bahasa dan Tata Bunyi) MAKALAH Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah Kapita Selekta Bahasa Indonesia Dosen: Dr. Iswara, S.Pd., M.Pd.
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The Indonesian Publication Index (IPI) is designed for browsing, indexing, abstracting, monitoring and improving the standard of scholarly publications in Indonesia. Currently, there are over 3000 Indonesian journals for inclusion in the IPI database. The contents are very important to be made visible globally, so that Indonesian academics and researchers can be identified his/her expertise, areas of possible collaboration, stimulate use and citations.
Bahasa Indonesia Adalah
The establishment of Indonesian Publication Index (formerly Portal Garuda Indonesian Publication Index) initiated by Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science Indonesia Section (IAES) Indonesia Section.