For The Republic New Vegas

Achievement won on 02 Feb 12TA Score for this game:Posted on 28 November 11 at 15:39This solution has 31 positive votes and 3 negative votes. Please log in to vote.For this achievement you have to solve the NCR's problems:After completing the first two NCR quests, (Things That Go Boom and Kings' Gambit), head to Hoover Dam and talk to Colonel Moore.You will now have to deal with the Great Khans, the Omertas, Mr.

  1. New Vegas For The Republic Part 2 Khan Glitch

House and the Brotherhood of Steel. Your last objective will be to protect President Kimball.Since this is Fallout, there is more than one way to skin a cat. So I recommend to use this very helpful and detailed walkthrough:,Part2There are relating to this Solution Please log in to comment on this solution.

Fallout New Vegas.Insert some introductory blabla about the game, as if anyone who doesn’t know Fallout New Vegas is going to read this. If you haven’t played it yet and love RPG’s, get it here.Much like earlier Obsidian game Knights of the Old Republic 2, what we got in Fallout: New Vegas was only part of what was planned, or even implemented only to be dummied out. I then asked for the corporate office, to which Anisha responded, that this was the corporate office. Since Republic Services has a monopoly on garbage services in southern Nevada, I just hung up. I'm totally shock that a company the size of Republic Services has such an antiquated accounting system!!! Unable to complete 'For the Republic: Part 2' » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:04 pm Can anyone help me with this, I know the battle of the Hoover Dam follows soon after you complete this quest and I would like to be able to get to it but it won't let me finish this quest.

“Nothing will ever break up our home. We will create a new future - without the mistakes of the past.” — President 's second State of the Republic addressThe New California Republic ( NCR) is a federal unicameral parliamentary republic founded in, comprised of five contiguous states and additional territories and holdings in pre-War regions in, and parts of.The Republic dedicates itself to the values of the old world: Democracy, liberty, the rule of law, all in order to make the wasteland a better place. However, its policies resulted in difficulties in recent years. Main article:The history of the Republic dates back to the survivors of who emerged from the shelter around 2097 and founded the town of. With the assistance of, who destroyed the Khan raider tribe, and his daughter, led the community into prosperity. With expanding trade routes came cultural exchange, eventually culminating in a movement aiming at forming a national entity. The idea resonated with other wastelanders and won popular support, leading to the formation of the New California Republic in in, with a trial council government established to draft the constitution.

Three years later, in, the Republic proper was voted into existence as a federation of five states organized around major settlements in the wastes:, and.Less than a century after its founding, the Republic is a model example of post-apocalyptic success and good ethics. Steady expansion and development led to widespread political enfranchisement, the establishment of rule of law and its enforcement, security from threats within and without (to a reasonable degree), and good standards of living (above mere subsistence, at minimum) are a reality for its massive population of over 700,000 citizens. The situation improved even further with the and securing the flow of electricity and water from to the Republic. However, the protracted campaign has come at a cost.The death of President, who cherished the humanitarian values upon which the Republic was founded, resulted in marked changes in the character of the Republic.

The NCR in 2281 is in a period of transition, experiencing rapid economic growth and dramatic political changes, endangering its original grand ideals. Nowhere is that more evident than in the morally corrosive, imperialist, championed by President and aiming for the unilateral annexation of the city of as the sixth state of the Republic. Years of campaigning led to a stalemate, locking NCR as the protector of New Vegas from, without a single cap in tax revenue from the or concessions from, proprietor of the Strip, who is content to abide by the terms of the and use the 5% of the dam's output for their own ends. This left the Republic overstretched and weighed down with bureaucracy, unable to properly supply its campaign, the direct result of both General Oliver's insistence on massing troops and resources at Hoover Dam and Camp McCarran at the expense of the rest of the Republic's Mojave garrison and the NCR Senate having cut funding to the Mojave Campaign.

Meanwhile, NCR citizens continue to come to the Mojave Wasteland, either as traders, fortune seekers, or citizen soldiers fighting for the Republic swelling New Vegas' economy while dwindling the Republic's. NCR flag, circa 2241The flag of the New California Republic is directly inspired by the state, which depicts a California grizzly bear on a patch of grass. It is unknown whether both sections of California would continue using the flag after being split in when the commonwealths would become another layer of governance. Nevertheless, the NCR would adopt a version of this flag during the formation of the nation. The first iteration of the flag would be largely different, but similar in design to the California state flag.

The first flag of the Republic would depict a California, the abbreviation 'NCR' would behind it, as well as the entire state of California, and a single red star with the upper left corner. This flag would fall out of favor by for a flag much more similar to the California state flag with the only differences being two-headed California grizzly bear and 'New California Republic' printed below it.

Society Abstractly, the NCR represents progress; while tribals and other wastelanders scratch out a meager existence, citizens of the NCR enjoy the wasteland luxuries of a steady economy, healthcare, laws, and legitimate government, not to mention the largest military to ensure they have a shot at more than just survival. The large population of the New California Republic means it is composed of a highly diverse number of individuals, from highly refined inhabitants of the Republic's grand urban centers, through merchants and frontier settlers, to the large numbers of farmers and ranchers responsible for the Republic's economic might.That economic power was one of the key factors in the transformation of society between 2241 and 2281. As survival ceased being a major concern for the vast majority of NCR citizens, the problem of collective welfare has been largely superseded by concerns about individual prosperity. People providing services free of charge are now the exception, rather than the rule, with skilled workers routinely charging for their services, from tailors to surgeons.

Moreover, after over 80 years of scavenging, the wastelands of New California have been largely picked clean of salvageable goods. NCR citizens who can still make a living exclusively by scavenging and hunting are an uncommon sight. The combination of these cultural and economic factors led to the rebirth of wage labor: Most citizens have to seek an employer at a mill, factory or farm and work to earn their keep and earn money necessary to survive. But these jobs are easy to find in one of the many mills and farms in New California.The citizens themselves hold a variety of opinions on these developments. While many praise the economic strength hammered out in the furnaces of the wasteland, many other decry the loss of communal spirit. Some will even curse the selfishness of other citizens, usually while pursuing goals that are just as selfish.

One thing is common: The belief that opportunity has largely dried up at home and real fortunes await further east. Equality The Republic prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, or religious belief (so long as said religion does not advocate violence). Since 2205, it also protects ghouls and mutants, though enforcement of these rights has been uneven (even as far as 2281, one can find or ). In general, the Republic is successful in its enforcement of equality laws. However, since the death of President Tandi and the election of President Kimball, there has been some retrenchment.

The reactionary undercurrent, especially among males, led to a disproportionately high number of promotions for male military officers, while discourse arguing the differences between males and females has reappeared. Regardless of the setbacks, slavery is outlawed in all NCR territories. Homosexuality is generally accepted in the core states of the Republic, though frontier territories away from the more civilized center tend to show prejudice.During her long presidency, enacted legislation that limited the number of cattle head and the acreage of fields that could be owned by a single person, limiting the power of the and the.

Following her death, the restrictions were slowly eroded away by each new president and finally overturned during the presidency of. As a result, wealthy farmers and ranchers (commonly known as ) exert a disproportionate amount of influence, despite having just one vote on paper.

Economy The NCR's free market economy is based on two resources, ever since its inception: Great herds and swaths of land restored to arable condition. Providing meat, leather, milk, and other foodstuffs, these are the backbone of the economy of the Republic. As a result, ranchers and farmers hold great sway in the Republic. During 's presidency, anti-cartel regulations were implemented to limit the acreage and Brahmin heads one man could control.

However, with her death, pressure from the and the certainly helped erode them, until President Kimball overturned them completely. As a result, since much of the Republic's farming and Brahmin herding has been monopolized by and, incredibly wealthy individuals who exert a lot of influence thanks to their money.

Their success also led to the emergence of cottage industries, such as the rebirth of luxury goods manufacture and pseudo-journalism reporting on the latest purchases, commissions, and life lessons of the new rich and famous.Other branches of industry have also developed. Light industry, including tools, clothes making, mills and other manufacturing, form a significant part of the Republic's industrial output. Another notable element of the Republic's economy are its ordnance workshops, producing standardized weapons and armor for the New California Republic Army and Rangers. The ever-expanding trade routes led to the rise of powerful merchant houses, such as the, the and the, which continue to all but completely dominate all trade within New California.Currency. The following section is from.

To modify, please.The NCR introduced its own money around the turn of the 22nd century and initially it relied on coins minted from gold. By 2241, the economy of NCR dominated the West Coast and coins became universal currency, used by the three regional powers:,. Bible studies for women's small group pdf. During this time had become worthless in these regions.During the the Republic's gold reserves were destroyed by Brotherhood raids to the point where new gold coins could not be minted and paper money could not be properly backed with gold. NCR citizens panicked and rushed to reclaim the listed face value of currency from NCR's remaining gold reserves. Since the NCR was unable to realize these withdrawals, particularly towards the frontier, faith in their currency considerably dropped.

To protect against actual economic collapse, the NCR government abandoned the gold standard and established, not payable in specie. Since then many wastelanders lost faith in it as a medium of worth, both as a result of it not being backed by anything but the government's word and the inevitable inflation. In response to the loss of faith, merchant consortiums of the Hub re-established their own currency, the veritable bottle cap, backing it with water (exchanging a standardized measure of water for caps).By 2281, the NCR dollar is valued at about 40% of a water-backed cap and only 10% of a silver. In the, these notes can be seen in the, and denominations. The notes are issued by the Bank located in. In 2281, the current Treasurer of the Republic and head of the NCR Treasury is; his signature can be found on the front face of all NCR notes found in the.

Population Since 2241, New California has been radically growing in size. Their exponential growth has allowed the NCR to become the largest known post-war country, with a total population number above 700,000. The Republic's large population has meant a diverse range of commerce and the development of sprawling urban centers. The NCR's sheer number of citizens has also bolstered its armed forces with an advantage that not many have and has allowed them to completely overwhelm any force that stands in its way through attrition with wave tactics that have been employed on both the during and the during the raid of, and the favored tactic of General when fighting the Legion in the. The NCR's size has likely been a strong influencing factor in the expansionist politics of its political and military leaders.

For The Republic New Vegas

The manpower at the disposal of President Kimball has him sending Rangers into parts of while also contesting Hoover Dam against Caesar's Legion. The NCR's population also acts as deterrence of sorts for some factions, in particular, the Brotherhood of Steel and the are hesitant to retaliate against the NCR because of the sheer size of their armed forces.While the NCR's population is an immense advantage, the NCR can barely support the size of itself. The NCR Army is under-equipped and can hardly afford to give supplies to its camps and new recruits, and are nearly always stretched too thin because of over-zealous expansion. Many citizens of the NCR are also expanding eastward because opportunities for success are near non-existent in the NCR's states outside of becoming a prominent Brahmin Baron overnight.

The NCR government have been capitalizing off the want of its citizens to expand westward and have enacted legislation such as the to support more citizens expanding eastward towards.Ironically, the NCR's greatest strength may also be its greatest threat to itself. Studies conducted by the have predicted that in a decade the NCR will grow so large that it will surpass its production to consumption rate and put in the NCR in a food shortage. Efforts are being made to stop that possibility, but research into the matter is slow going.

Politics. President (in office 2196-2248) has expanded the Republic from a fledgling alliance of towns into the sprawling democracy of todayThe New California Republic is a federal unicameral parliamentary republic based on the principle of representative democracy, established as the successor of the pre-War. The executive branch is the Council, headed by the President of the New California Republic and their Vice-President, elected by the Congress.The Congress, also known as the Senate, forms the legislative branch and is a unicameral parliament staffed by representatives elected in popular elections by citizens of each state that comprises the Republic. Apart from legislation, the Congress also acts as an advisory body to the government of the Republic. Notably, while the general term for representatives is 'Congressman', the states themselves use use a variety of titles: 'Councilor,' 'Counselor,' 'Councilman,' 'Representative,' and 'Senator.'

In particular, the Hub (in its own obstinate way) insists on calling their representatives 'Governors.' The terms are used interchangeably and used widely outside the chambers of the Council and Congress, but within them they can be used as insults and spark furious debates.The judicial branch comprises courts and judges ruling in accordance with NCR's adapted version of American common law. United States uses common law, so it's logical that its heirs would continue to use it - after adapting it to post nuclear needs, of course. Territory The New California Republic is a federation of five states. The NCR also has several territorial holdings that are prospective in becoming a state, such as parts of northern California, and the. The list of incorporated states:.

Shady, incorporating, and other neighboring NCR settlements. Los Angeles, incorporating and other settlements in the area. Hub, incorporating and other towns., originally including as an independent enclave. The status is unknown, due to the ongoing NCR-Brotherhood war., incorporating towns south of.Other cities also joined the NCR between 2241 and 2281, as territories or incorporated into existing states (no new states were formed after the initial foundation, with New Vegas and the Mojave being the only prospective territory poised for becoming the sixth state of the union after annexation).Law Civil law As mentioned above, NCR citizens have the right to vote for their representatives to sit in the Congress.

Both citizens and non-citizens enjoy the protection of NCR's (although courts tend to favor citizens in disputes). Freedom of religion is considered a right within the NCR, as long as the religion is not violent or psychotic. At the same time, the Republic, thanks to Tandi, enforces a strict separation of church and state.

Equality legislation also a prohibition of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or aforementioned religious beliefs. Mutants are also protected since 2205, but enforcing this part of the law has been spotty.Intellectual property laws have been enacted and remain a source of ongoing controversy, particularly patents. Are particularly staunch critics of the latter. Immigration laws Immigration into the NCR is open to both humans and mutants, provided they are law-abiding and peaceful. The process is simple. The person in question moves to an NCR territory, presents their claim for immigration, undergo citizenship training, and once his application is processed is granted the status of a Provisional Citizen (PC).

Full citizenship is granted shortly afterwards. All registered citizens are required to pay any appropriate and associated taxes.Territories can petition the Republic for annexation. Once the petition is accepted, the NCR grants the town territorial status and establishes a police and army presence in the location to establish the rule of law and eliminate law-breakers. Once this process is completed, the territory can apply for full statehood. Between 2241 and 2281, no new territory has been granted full statehood. Ironically, the frontier New Vegas is the closest to becoming the sixth state of the union.

Criminal law The Republic dedicates itself to bringing peace, security, and justice to the people within and without their borders. When the NCR can excise rule of law on criminals, it is done so according to the severity of their crimes, with the death penalty being reserved for serious offenses. Notably, murder does not automatically translate to a capital sentence.

New Vegas For The Republic Part 2 Khan Glitch

Punishment for criminals inside NCR proper means serving prison time at any number of correctional facilities and performing manual labor for the NCR's work release program. However, outside the NCR's territory and entering into the is a different story. The NCR Army isn't keen on peacekeeping activities and usually swiftly punishes crimes committed in around with death.Part of this includes the setting of bounties and delegating the responsibly of capture to able civilians that can bring in criminals that have eluded NCR lawmen or military. At least for the military, bounties require proof in the form of an intact head; anything less conclusive results in a fraction of the bounty being rewarded.Common municipal laws in the NCR boil down to:.

a ban on slavery, gambling, and prostitution.