Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat

Continuing where we left off, basically with a no bullshit discussion of Jurus-jurus (meaning plural—Indonesian language does not pluralize with the addition of an “S” but by double usage). Part 2So you’ve got these forms in your training and maybe there are 4 or 5 or 10 or 12? It doesn’t really matter how many there are. What matters is the work you put into doing them. Resident evil 4 download game. What matters is your understanding of them.

  1. Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat Indonesia
  2. Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat Schools
  3. Tutorial Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat

Gambar Jurus Pencak Silat Tapak Suci Jurus dasar Pencak Silat Tapak Suci adalah tata gerak dasar yang berbentuk lontaran, berlintasan,serta bertumpu pada kecepatan, ketepatan, dan kekuatan. Jurus dasar Pencak Silat Tapak Suci dibagi atas dasar bagian anggota tubuh yang digunakan sebagai alat penyasar.

  1. Pencak silat dengan aliran tenaga dalam, dan perpaduan dari silat di nusantara dan kuntao monyet. Silat Tunggal Hati Seminari- Tunggal Hati Maria —organisasi pencak silat bernapaskan agama Katolik, didirikan oleh 7 dewan pendiri, termasuk Rm. Sandharma Akbar,Pr.
  2. Pada Kongres PERSILAT tahun 1998, Jurus Tunggal Baku ditetapkan menjadi salah satu kategori yang dipertandingkan. Jurus ini disusun oleh tim yang anggotanya terdiri dari pakar pencak silat dari empat negara pendiri PERSILAT, yaitu: § IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia) § PERSISI (Persekutuan Silat Singapura).

What matters is your ability to actually use them according to their designed purpose.Let’s start by looking outside of pencak silat. And, since we are “Silat Dirty Boxing” focused let’s start there. It’s an easy example and ties together a lot of ideas. So a boxer is taught combinations that build flow and make sense for power development once they understand the basic strikes and footwork.They start off learning the jab, then add the cross, and then the lead hook, and the overhand hook, lead uppercut and rear uppercut essentially. There are some others but that’s the basic gist.

Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat

Pretty soon after that they begin to learn how to put these strikes together along with their footwork, bodywork and headwork (basically their Langkah and Ales/Elak). Over time, they work these from shadow boxing, to mitt work, to bag work, to ring work. They will use these combinations in many different ways by adding in feinting, shielding, baiting, checking, range manipulation, etc.It’s good stuff because it’s responsive, it’s based on how people actually engage, and there’s opportunity for injecting and modifying elements to fit the needs of the situation. It helps to build flow, reaction, and action. As well as timing and about a hundred other things because you can just pressure test it and add and subtract components as necessary.Jurus-jurus should be used similarly.

They are not static drills to be blindly and mind numbingly performed. They should be very much ALIVE! So what does that mean?Well for starters, there is a framework to all jurus-jurus that is provided by every system I’ve been a part of. They are in your foundations and your jurus-jurus will reflect them. So if you ever have questions ALWAYS refer back to your foundation methods. That will help you with the framework!And just what is meant by Framework? Well for example, footwork, hand movements, evasions, parries, blocks, kicks, tactics, principles, movement, takedowns, locks, breaks, et alia, as they are taught.

These should essentially be reflected in your jurus-jurus and they should be the framework or building blocks they are built on.With that being the case, you can easily examine the effectiveness of a jurus-jurus by the building blocks that are it’s foundation. A jab is useful in boxing because it is a versatile strike.

The footwork taught is useful because you can use it with a versatile strike like the jab. This allows for a lot more versatility with the jab because you can also modify the footwork to expand it’s versatility. The same should be true of the jurus-jurus.Look for Part 3 Soon. Sincerely, Guru Stark.

Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat Indonesia

Part 1Forms, kata, hyung, poomse, jurus, djurus. I don’t really care what you call them. They are basically an organized series of movements intended to communicate a systems body culture to you in a repeatable and correctable way.There is always a back and forth between those who train in forms and those who don’t. Some say they are the embodiment of what they need and for others they are an anathema.Here’s what I can tell you from my own experience. They do not realistically represent combat. Again, they aren’t fighting!

And one more time, they really, truly, aren’t fighting.To try and mask that, somebody came along and decided that they could more closely mimic real fighting by creating “two-man” forms. But over time, these too have been seen as not representing “real” fighting. And again, I’d agree.For those people who want something even more realistic, there are smaller two-man forms that people like to call “drills.” Often these are fairly short and may or may not be performed in an equal manner by each side–often known as “give-or-take” drills. The purpose is to give both people a repeatable platform to develop movements, ideas, and, yet again, application or technique. But people who have truly fought recognize that these don’t really represent anything more than wishful thinking as it concerns personal protection.So there you are with both sides whispering and bickering in each ear. Bad.In reality, the essential aspects of each, for both drills and forms, are identical.

Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat Schools

Yep, the same. They are not designed to teach you to fight. They are designed to teach you to move. They are designed to be repeatable. They are designed to be correctable. They give you a pattern that you can practice at any time. And they can develop needed attributes and skills such as coordination, timing, range control, disruption, etc.That doesn’t sound too bad does it?In my very limited experience in martial arts (about 30 years) I have trained in forms, and drills, and two-man forms, and just application, and just sparring.

Tutorial Jurus Tunggal Baku Pencak Silat

And frankly, what I’ve walked away with is an understanding that the actual keys to unlocking these forms in whatever manifestation they come in, is the most important part.Are all forms created equal? That much is very clear. And that part is easily ascertained if you have the keys. It’s not magic, but it requires someone who is willing to risk the broken bones, the bloody noses, and the bruises to sort through it, as I’ve done (as well as those who lead PSP have done).Look there’s a lot of rabbit traps in talking about this stuff. There are loopholes and caveats and bad eggs but here’s the other side. Boxers users forms. In their method they are called “combinations.” They are short, and they are meant to be recalled, and applied, and added to, and taken away from.

They aren’t the end all. They aren’t sacred. They are a simple delivery system for training. They increase the speed of the boxer’s attacks and the speed of recall because of the repetitive nature of their practice.They aren’t long necessarily. Four to Five strikes at most (usually).

And that is why they are “ more” effective. In addition, the boxer themselves is able to create their own personal combinations.Jurus should be treated similarly.


There’s a reason for their existence –you don’t always have someone to spar with. They are meant for those times and they are meant to be adapted in 1000 different ways. They are a blank piece of paper that is meant to be written on the way that YOU need to write at any given moment.Be looking for more posts on Jurus in the near future.