Why Is Outlook So Bad

Outlook is fine for communicating with your customers and co-workers, but don’t expect it to double as a “free” email marketing tool. Here’s a list of some of the reasons Outlook won’t work for sending bulk marketing email:. Poor HTML!Outlook uses Microsoft Word to create the html necessary to send out a nice looking email. The problem is that Word’s creation of html is so bad that your email can get flagged as spam by the receiving email server which is looking for poorly formed html as a sign of a spammer. That’s right, even the quality of your html is judged by spam tools. Use a real email marketing product that forms proper html to avoid getting flagged as a spammer.

The New Outlook Is Awful

Where is outlook on this computer
  • To do this, press and hold Ctrl when you start Outlook. When Outlook starts in safe mode, all COM add-ins and Exchange Server client extensions are disabled. If the problem no longer occurs when Outlook is running in safe mode, it is likely that one of the add-ins is causing the performance issue.
  • Aug 27, 2013  Original title: Why OUTLOOK is working so bad. Fed up to wait with DUB122.mail.live.com. Will it be working soon??? And for poor French, nothing in our language? Since my mail became OUTLOOK it is.

No tracking of clicks or opensIf you don’t know who is clicking and opening your emails, you don’t know who your “engaged” subscribers are. Not knowing this important fact will get your emails blocked. Email receivers automagically monitor how many of their customers are opening and clicking YOUR email. And, if not enough of them are engaging with your email, they start blocking you even if these recipients are double opt-in subscribers who love you dearly, and have sworn allegiance to you as Grand Poo-Bah.

You should remove subscribers who are not engaged in the last 90-120 days or so. Outlook won’t give you this info. No automatic bounce removalHow much time do you have on your hands? I have so much time on my hands that I write this blog during a time that I should be asleep. In case that was too subtle, I don’t have any free time. And since time is not available to me, I certainly don’t have time to manually remove every hard bounce that comes back to me, or every person that replies with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. That’s why I use a real email tool that handles all that for me.

Why Is Outlook So Bad Baby

BCC email looks like spamIf you use Outlook to send bulk email, and BCC a bunch of email addresses, receiving email servers greet your email with a nice, cheery, “Hello, you are spam, welcome to our spam box” greeting. It looks like spam so it’s treated like spam. No authenticationWhen you use Outlook to send your email, you are getting no email authentication. What in the heck is email authentication?

Tags: 10 Reasons why the new Outlook (Hotmail) design SUCKS!, Design, Hotmail to Outlook, Interaction Design, Internet News, Mahmoud El-Magdoub, Microsoft and tagged Hotmail changed, Microsoft Metro Design, new Hotmail, New Hotmail email, New microsoft Email, New outlook.com design, Outlook.com., UI 101, Usablity, User Interaction Design 101.

These are technologies that tell the receiving email provider who you are, that you are announcing your identity and domain, and are doing so such that you couldn’t possibly be a spammer. When you use a real email marketing tool, they provide you with authentication technologies like DKIM, DomainKeys, SenderID, DMARC, and SPF. Sometimes you need to also have your website guy do a little tweek to your domain record, but your email marketing tool will give you instructions on how to do this. Let’s put it this way, if you don’t use email authentication, a huge amount of your email is being blocked at this very moment. Your email isn’t even reaching your subscribers. No control over unsubscribingNot only do you have to manually handle unsubscribe requests, but your customers have no subscription preference center to opt in and out of the different emails that you offer.

Why Is Outlook So Bad News

Why Is Outlook So Bad

What customers want is to see a pretty little webpage where they can check cute little boxes to indicate which bulk emails they want from you and which they don’t.