Paint Tool Sai Leaf Brush

This is a set of 8 brushes for adding foliage texture to a Photoshop painting. The brushes were made from photos of trees, bushes, and grass (except number 8, which is painted). Rules:-Use as you please, wherever you please.-You don't need to credit me, link back to me, or fave this dev to use. PaintTool SAI Brushes Brush settings and Textures for SAI. PaintTool SAI Brushes and Textures. I was bought me the full version of paint tool sai today and i.

  1. Paint Tool Sai Official Website

Make the primary decisions about painting tool behavior from the Options bar.As you see in the figure, the Options bar gives you access to a miniature Brush panel, from which you can pick a brush tip, change its size, orientation, roundness (some brush tips), and adjust the hardness of the brush’s edges. (Only round brush tips use the Hardness adjustment in the Options bar.)The five sample lines to the right show Hardness, from 0% to 100% in 25% increments, all using a 40-pixel brush. The Brush tool can use any brush tip that you have in the Brush panel — and you can customize the brush tip in a variety of ways.You’re actually ready to paint in Photoshop already! Select a foreground color, select the brush size that you want, decide how hard or fuzzy the edges should be, change the blending mode and opacity (if desired), and drag the tool in your image. (And, perhaps best of all, no turpentine needed for cleaning up — just switch tools in the Toolbox.)As you work with the brush-using tools, always remember that the selected brush tip is applied as a series of individual impressions, called instances. Consider an instance to be a single impression of the brush tip, like tapping a pen once on a piece of paper — it leaves a single dot. Take a look at the outer borders in this figure.

Changing the brush tip’s Spacing value (in the main Brush panel, opened through Photoshop’s Window menu) shows how instances appear. In the upper left, the spacing is set to the default 25% and a continuous line results.To the upper right, Spacing is set to 67%, and the individual brush tip instances are visible as overlapping circles. To the lower left, Spacing is set to 133% — this is a setting that you might use for a dotted or dashed line — and each brush tip instance is visible individually.

Changing the Spacing makes the individual brush tip instances visible.If you know you have the cursor set to show the brush tip, but you’re seeing the tiny little crosshairs instead, check the Caps Lock key on your keyboard. Caps Lock toggles between precise and brush-size cursors for the brush-using tools.When you change the Brush tool’s Opacity setting on the Options bar, you change the appearance of the stroke as a whole. Changing the Flow setting (also on the Options bar), on the other hand, changes the amount of color applied with each instance of the brush tip.When the flow is reduced and the spacing is set to less than 100%, the overlapping area of each brush instance appears darker (or lighter when painting with, for example, white on black). One last item in the Options bar for the Brush tool deserves a quick look. To the right of the Flow field is the Airbrush button. When the Airbrush is on (the button turns dark), the Flow value takes on more meaning.As you paint with the Brush in Airbrush mode with a reduced Flow setting, pausing the cursor with the mouse button down allows color to build up (become more opaque) as if you were using a real airbrush.

You can use the Airbrush both as a traditional airbrush artist and to simulate spray paint. You can see both in this figure. Airbrushing and spray painting with the Airbrush option for the Brush tool.If your computer has a processor and video card that support OpenGL drawing, you can rotate the image on screen for easier painting — not rotate the canvas, but rotate the on-screen image! This can be great for fine-tuning a layer mask or doing other delicate painting tasks.Using the Rotate View tool (nested with the Hand tool) permits you to arrange the artwork for your most comfortable painting stroke.


While dragging the Rotate View tool, an on-screen compass’s red arrow always orients you to the top of the image. When you want the image oriented back to the top, simply double-click on the Rotate View tool icon in the Tool panel.

I wanted to have something looking good and useful in my preset docker. That's how I started this new version of my brushkit for Krita, the serie 8. As usual with all my brushkit (I maintain them since 2009), I decided to distribute them for free, for anyone. I also took time to write here a full description of every 64 brushes you'll get in the pack. All this big work couldn't be possible without the. This brushkit is a free bonus on the way of more episodes for my webcomic.

A big big thanks to them!Changelog:.: v8.2, Krita 3.1.2 - If it works, don't fix it: 10 brushes added, minor update for 2.,.: v8.1, Krita 3.0.1 - Adding 13 new brushes.,.: v8.0, Krita 3.0.0 - Refactor thumbnails and core 42 brushes. Use smudge-radius brushes.,.: v7.0, Krita 2.9.7 - Pepper&Carrot stable kit: solidifying previous kit after 10 episodes.,.: v6.0, Krita 2.9.0 - Mypaint stylised/colored thumbnails: set for Pepper&Carrot.,.: v5.0, Krita 2.8.2 - Grey thumbnails, flow and compacting.,.: v4.0, Krita 2.8.0 - Refactor and strip down for productivity.,.: v3.0, Krita 2.7.0 - Base for many Krita default. For thumbnails.,.: v2.1, Krita 2.6.0 - Post release fix. Add textured brushes for new Krita feature.,.: v2.0, Krita 2.6.0 - Full brushkit refactor with painted thumbnail on crystal black.,.: v1.0, Krita 2.3.0 - First release used on concept art.,.: v0.0, Krita 2.3.0 - Initial idea. Started on Krita sprint, Amsterdam.,.Full list of versioned changes. Download file on your disk. Extract deevad-v8.bundle from the zip.

Open Krita and go to the top menu: Setting Manage Ressources. In the Manage Resources Bundle dialog; press the top Import Bundles button. Select the file deevad-v8-2.bundle on your disk, using the file explorer appearing on your screen, then finish by pressing Open. The icon of the brushkit should appears under Active bundle column.

Press OK on the Manage Resources Bundle dialog. Important: restart Krita.

Have fun with painting! David REVOY Author,19 june 2019, 14:06 -Hi Eric; I'll check. The source were indeed hosted when I previously used Github (I moved all my active repository to the Gitlab instance of Framasoft -Framagit- almost two years ago, but the brush project is not that active since I merged them in Krita 4.x code now and they became official).Probably Github changed policy but I checked and everything is still alright at the URL of the source file: (even in a private windows or using a VPN) I can download the ZIP and unzip without being asked for a subscription. Be sure your unzip software or your browser if you are on Windows or Mac is not compromised by a virus.

I'm using Firefox on Linux and no issue here. David REVOY Author,22 august 2016, 09:25 -Hi Fernando, many thanks for the feedback.About Chaos&Evolutions, I didn't thought about redoing it, but that's a good idea. The previous version show timelapse with Gimppainter 2.6; and this tech is now really outdated.I'm just a little bit affraid of going into the Kdenlive source of Chaos&Evolution. Kdenlive has difficulties here to open my files from 2014; so I have no hope for Kdenlive files of 2009.It mean it will certainly need not only just to re-record timelapse, and adapt the video-editing; but i'll rewrite it from scratch.

to update it ( monthes of work ).But I'm really seduced by the Chaos&Evolutions² idea:-)I'll keep it in a corner of my mind. Denys17 november 2016, 11:10 -David, thank you so much for your efforts!

Paint Tool Sai Official Website

Also thank you for magnificant materials on how use and to twick Krita to meet one's individual needsI'd like to share one trick i've found out rescently about digital sketching -I've read a lot of complaints (and I felt the same) with regards to 'plastic' feel of the device when draiwing with on a tablet's plastic surface. The trick to overcome it - just put a sheet of any paper you like on top of it's surface and here you go - real paper feeling! Sensetivity slightly decreases this way - but it is pretty easy to twick it for yourself with Krita/Tablet settings. Eric06 january 2017, 04:35 -Hi David, I read some prior comments (which I should have done before adding mine) and went to the FTP page when I save as, it only gives me the option to save as a zip file. I unzipped the file then renamed the folder to deevad-v8-1.bundle, but same thing I click Open then it sees only 3 folders (brushes, META-INF and paintoppresets), none of which contain the file needed to install this bundle pack.Are you using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox)? Maybe issues with IE 11? David REVOY Author,12 february 2017, 20:52 -Hi, Thanks:)I don't think installing a brush-kit can affect the brush-outline.

Maybe you use a system with auto-update and a system update changed your graphic driver? Maybe it was so close in the timeline with installing the preset it suddently was related? Just question:) You can always check by going in Krita; Settings Manage resources; and take the brushkit to the 'Inactive Bundles' to see if the problems disapear and if the problem is linked to my brushes.Let me know!

Jennifer12 february 2017, 21:36 -I think you may be right! Ganga maiya me jab tak ye pani mobile ringtone online. I looked at my recently installed programs, and my graphics driver automatically updated the same night I installed the brush kit. Unfortunately, Windows 10 likes to keep automatically updating when I try to rollback the driver, so I haven't been able to test it to see if that's the reason for sure. But I think it is.

When I have more time I'll try to find a way to fix that. Moving your brush kit to 'inactive bundles' doesn't solve the problem. Thank you for your advice!:).

Carro15 march 2017, 23:50 -Hi!I have a question, I'm using Krita 3.1.1 and I tried to download this but when I went to download bundle I couldn't find the package in my downloaded files where I put it. I wonder if there is maybe a newer version that I have to update to, and if so, will my old unfinished art work not be able to open in the new version? I don't know if this made any sense, but it would be really nice if you could answer this. Thank you so much! And your art is really beautiful, I appreciate what you do.

David REVOY Author,16 march 2017, 08:22 -Hi Carro,Don't worry: my brushes version 8.2 are compatible with every Krita 3.x versions. They can't broke anything. If your Krita works well for 3.1.1 on your system; just paint with it and do not update to 3.1.2.

The next version 3.1.3 can be more interesting because it will be a sort of Krita 3 final. A big 'bug fix release' before Krita jumping to the big change of Krita 4 ( with new text tool, SVG ).The team of Krita put a lot of efforts into getting compatibility across version for the Krita files format (.kra ). Your old unfinished art should be safe!:-). Holo06 april 2017, 06:29 -Hi there David, I'm a big fan of your hard work in the Open Soruce community. First with the Blender team in the storyboards and art!, then your hard work in MyPaint! And now with the Krita feedback and brushes!!Tbh you inspire me to do more and more!, and I wonder.

If you know about DrawPile?is an Open Source Paintchat. That I'm very proud to be part of, we are a young project but with determination and a nice community behind n.nI try very hard to push the community there (I'm in charge of one called RP HUB and we are just over 100 artist there rigth now)if you give it a look, please ask for Holo, I really want to know your opinion about it n.nHave a lovely day. David REVOY Author,06 april 2017, 07:52 -Hey, thanks for the friendly feedback.Of course I know Drawpile:) I tested it last month for the release of the appimage version; that's very cool.I like the project; but I never could try it in network. I found the GUI to do the first connection a bit hard to understand. Somehow, I was expecting something like videogames 'server list' on start; just a list of server with amount of user, and a name for the theme. I even don't know if it's possible to make it this way.Maybe I can chat on a IRC channel? I guess #drawpile on freenodes?

Holo07 april 2017, 20:32 -Well it's a bit complicated tbh, but the main channels we use to communicate directly and in a friendly way is Facebook and Discord mainly.This is our Facebook groupadded my email to this replay form btw just in case.I told to Calle (the main developer) about your reply yesterday, and he was pretty excited to hear feedback and ideas from you Mr.David! We try to make a nice place in where ppl can join and discover the joy of draw with more ppl n.nI re-discovered my love for draw thanks to DrawPile tbh! It was such a beautiful experience, and I want that more ppl can access to it n.n, even I developed my characters even more through the real-time role playing (amazing experience!).Well. Sorry I tend to speak a lot when I'm excited! Please Mr.David give us a glance n.n.Have a lovely day. David REVOY Author,22 january 2018, 10:07 -Hi Joseph,If you begin, just limit yourself to use brush preset you will be able to predict the effect.

It doesn't matter if a brush does square, round, textured, splashy effect; if you are confortable with it and you can predict what will happen with this brush before hitting the canvas, then you'll have a good tool to do progress.If you are not sure what all of that mean, then use a setup like this with my brush kit:- 'Fill Brush' is a good brush to block flat zone- 'Blending' will smooth your flat zone and build the gradients/modeling.- 'Digital Sketch Rounded' is a good brush to make more advanced modeling and glazing.- 'Rigger' may help to add small details. David REVOY Author,30 january 2018, 22:18 -Hi!I like the idea of the pop-up palette; but here I'm often using the alpha/beta version of Krita to report bugs and test things.

Many time, in this version, this part of the software is fragile: it often pop-up with empty presets; or the preset move around. My memory is very visual; and I don't like when I add a preset to this wheel, or remove one to see the rotation changing in the slot.

It's not consistent and it's hard to develop automatism with it. Also, the color selector in middle is a bit little to my taste. So, all in all, I learned to avoid using this tool. I keep dockers around.

I'm really eager to play with python plugins as one in future 4.x to assign presets to keyboard shortcut. I think I'll map all my 1,2,3,4,5.etc. Right now, yes, I rely on a docker with 'brush preset' icon inside it. Jonathan01 february 2018, 04:25 -Thanks for sharing your point of view!Regarding the lack of trust and confidence you have in this tool, maybe you can report that to the developers. After all, it's a problem if people can't use a tool they made, whatever the reason.About mapping presets to digit keys, I believe it would be welcomed by many people, and the developers could consider adding this feature with regular shortcuts, instead of using scripts.

I think some people may be afraid of coding. Personally I'm waiting for that too:)Keep up the good work! David REVOY Author,01 february 2018, 12:11 -Sure:) I keep around and communicating with dev of Krita since a long time! (2011?) For the pop-up palette, you can use it without any fear if you stick to the stable version; it's often fragile in.beta-versions. and bug-fix sometime takes time to come in beta;-) But that's a price to pay to do beta-testing, and with time I often avoid to use the part I consider fragile or prone to break easily.For the core design of Krita regarding shortcut (for eg.

); many discution happens and it slowly evolves; but it's way more complex than you imagine. Even developers can't do all what they want and its probably a constrain if some feature needs to happens in the layer of 'python script'. Keep in mind Krita is also tied closely with KDE and Qt, this two offers maintenance of huge part of the code.

This position of 'sitting on the shoulder of giant' allows the small Krita team to extend on the top, have less maintenance of the code base but the drawback is adopting some standard. But Krita evolves really well, and collaborate more and more to upstream to adapt it to the needs of the team. David REVOY Author,31 january 2018, 10:05 -Off topic comment? But yes, ABR is a proprietary binary file created by Adobe.

It means if you open this type of file you see plenty of encoded glyph. So, it's already a little miracle a developer of Krita found a way to catch little picture into this mess ( a way to import 'brush tips' ). But loading the other parameters is way harder; the settings are changing and would require a dev to buy a Photoshop license only to compare and play the 'guess' and paint long process.

It's not worthing it, in my opinion. Artist can recreate the brushes without too much effort. Adobe is known to create messy in-house binary file format with plenty of revisions, etc. David REVOY Author,14 january 2019, 14:00 -Hey KingGrotesk,You can use the brush as you want, in videos, in tutorials, in livestream, for paid work.

What you do with the brushes (all type of artworks) is your property and you can sell, copyright, etc. So no need for attribution in a livestream.The attribution license here applies only for redistribution; eg. If you host the pack on your website and propose it to your audience, or if you sell it on a USB device, etc. And concerns the brush files themselves. This also applies if you modify this brushes and distribute modification of them ( in this case, it is just a credit to know who did the brush). I don't do that for the fame; but more for a sort of genealogy; by the past I put my brush as public domain and many brush creators just repackaged them and sold them taking credits for all the work I did (redoing the brush thumbnail is not a big work xD).

I hope you understand!