Force Unleashed Lightsaber Colors
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Guide Jedi Holocron LocationsJedi Holocron LocationsJedi Holocron LocationsTraditionally, Holocrons held the knowledge of those who held them. They analyzed the nerves in the brain, and were able to copy everything from the persons memory, and even their personality.In THIS game, they hold goodies like costumes, Lightsaber crystals, and bonus points. Tie Fighter Factory- Hanger Bay -Holocron 1/15, 10000 Force Points- Once you clear out the remaining enemies, look for the crashed shuttle in the middle of the room.
The Force Unleashed II is a third-person action game in which the player's character's weapons are the Force and a lightsaber. The game has a combo system for stringing lightsaber attacks and for combining lightsaber attacks with Force powers.
Jump up on it to reach the walkway opposite the side you came in. There should be your first Holocron right in front of you!Holocron 2/15, Yellow Crystal- The next one is actually nearby. It's on the catwalk over the center of the room. You have to get up on the tail wing of shuttle, and use that to get to the catwalk.- Final Assembly Area -Holocron 3/25, 10000 Force Points- After dealing with the Militia in the area, as you approach the next locked door, there is a Holocron in a locked door on the right hand side.Holocron 4/15, Talent Sphere- In the first level of the Control Room, kill the Imperials and burst though the doors on the other side. There is a Holocron behind some boxes.Holocron 5/15, Combo Sphere- on the upper level of the Control Room, break through the right hand door and look for some more boxes on the left. Therein lies another Holocron.Holocron 6/15, 10000 Force Points- Along this walkway, Militia spawn from three doors in the wall. You'll usually see them coming.
But, in the second doorway, there is another Holocron.- Wing Assembly -Holocron 7/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 8/15, 10000 Force Points- Choose the far right lift (perspective from the entrance). Ride it up past the first set of scaffolding to the second set.
There are TWO Holocrons up here! One on the scaffolding and one on top of the control window. Jump down one level onto the lower scaffolding and enter the control window.Holocron 9/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 10/15, Rubat Crystal- The Holocrons in this room are up on the broken wing assembly lift.
You have to use Grip to grab one of the fallen wings and carefully lift it straight up and slide it back into place (above). This will allow you to use it as a step to get up higher and reach the Holocron at the top, followed by the Holocron on the scaffolding.- Cockpit Assembly -Holocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- In the first area there is a Holocron in a hidden dead-end passage along the left wall, by the second laser assembly.Holocron 12/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 13/15, 10000 Force Points- After they raise the field in the first area, the generator is behind the orange field, cant miss it. But first you'll have to fight through the Militia guards.
There are also two Holocrons here, one inside the Generators on the left, careful getting to it. The other is in the hall where the Militia spawned on the right side.Holocron 14/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 15/15, 10000 Force Points- The last two Holocrons are in the second assembly area. The first is hidden just like #11 only on the right side of the room near the final laser assembly. The other is at the end of the room, to the right of the doorway, by the place where the Cockpits are coming from.Raxus Prime- Sludge Pool -Holocron 1/15, 10000 Force Points- Right at start, turn left. Its under the platform across the sludge.- Refinery -Holocron 2/15, Power Sphere- Acid Rain -Holocron 3/15, 10000 Force Points- Just past the rain, as the area opens up, there is a Holocron on the left side.- Blockade Runner -Holocron 4/15, Compressed Red Crystal- Before entering the Runner, look for a cracked escape pod on the side of the Blockade Runner near the cliff. Use Push to break in the wall and grab the Holocron on the other side.Holocron 5/15, 10000 Force Points- On the other side of the Runner, on the cliff edge.Holocron 6/15, 10000 Force Points- Inside the Runner, past the Jawas. When you get to the end, you're suppose to jump up to where the Jawa is, but there is a crack in the wall beneath that hides a Holocron.- Base Camp -Holocron 7/15, Gold Crystal- As soon as you enter head left (clockwise) to the cliffs and look for a Holocron on the landing dock.
Turn about and face the tower in the center of the area.Holocron 8/15, Combo Sphere- Cut straight across till you hit the wall on the other side. There should be a small hole on the right where the junk is flying through. By that hole is a Holocron behind the ramp.- Junk Sorting -Holocron 9/15, Talent Sphere- Under the platform with the rail switcher on it.Holocron 10/15, Compressed Yellow Crystal- As you head back to the tunnel to take the elevator up, look up and to the left. High on a ledge in the corner is the next Holocron.- Junk Canyon -Holocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- Jump up on the ledge opposite the Hyperdrive. There is a Holocron right in front of you.Holocron 12/15, Sith Robes- Across the canyon on solid ground again, look for some metal bars on the left. Bend them down with Push, then use Grip on the metal petals to make pedestals with which to reach the Holocron.
Having Dashing Blast isn't required, but it does help.- Junk Palace -Holocron 13/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 14/15, Firkrann Power CrystalHolocron 15/15, 10000 Force Points- Past the second Junk Titan, behind the door. The first Holocron is on the left, cant miss it. The second is floating over the center.
Grab an AT-ST head and use it to reach the Holocron. While you're at it, use it to reach the ledge on the right side. There's a Holocron at the end. Felucia- Landing Site -Holocron 1/15, 10000 Force Points- Walk down the platforms. A cutscene starts with more Warriors coming down a large tree.
During (or after) your battle, veer to the right side of the area to find a Holocron on a mushroom. Work your way into the cave ahead.- Cave -Holocron 2/15, 10000 Force Points- Right as you enter, drop off the ledge. The first Holocron is on the lowest platform.Bridge- Use a mushroom to get back on the first level, and find a bridge that leads up to a higher level.Holocron 3/15, 10000 Force Points- From the top of the bridge, go all the way counterclockwise till you reach the Holocron. Backtrack to the bridge you past that had the Sith Holocron on it (you can see it above). Jump on it and follow it up.Holocron 4/15, 10000 Force Points- At the top, jump on the ledge on the right and continue clockwise till you find another short bridge.
From the bridge, jump to the Holocron. Jump back to the bridge and follow it all the way up this time.Holocron 5/15, Unstable Red Crystal- Turn left and go counterclockwise through the Sith Holocron. Keep going till you see a platform off on the left.
Jump to it, then the one above it, ect. Till you reach the Holocron.
Jump back down to the platform and keep going counterclockwise till you find the exit.- Forest Overworld -Holocron 6/15, 10000 Force Points- Head right out of the tunnel, toward the first Shaman you see. Around behind the trees behind him is a Holocron. Head back into the center of the area.Holocron 7/15, 10000 Force Points- You will face at least two more Shaman in this area.
Watch for the bubbles on the ground, as they explode when touched. During the fighting, look for a glowing Sarlacc tooth. Pick it up to reveal a Holocron under it.Holocron 8/15, Compressed Gold Crystal- Near the entrance to the next cavern, backtrack while following the wall.
Force Unleashed 2 Lightsaber Crystals
You'll find a passage that isn't on the map. Follow it to the back to find a Holocron.- Tunnel -Holocron 9/15, Combo Sphere- About halfway through, when the area opens, look for a Holocron in the center, over some brush.
Continue out the other side of the tunnel.- Hunting Grounds -Holocron 10/15, 10000 Force Points- Before, during, or after the fight with the Rancor, there is a Holocron in the side corner of the area, right in the open.- Tunnel 2 -Holocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- This is exactly the same as last time. Watch your back, and wait for the Holocron at the midpoint, in the center of the open area.- Rancor Training Grounds -Holocron 12/15, 10000 Force Points- Right as you enter the area, jump to the platform on the right side to get the next Holocron.Holocron 13/15, Talent Sphere- From the last one, you can see the next on the platform past it.Holocron 14/15, Power Sphere- On the left side of the area, opposite the other two, is a Holocron up on a ledge.Holocron 15/15, 10000 Force Points- The last Holocron is at the back of the area, behind the last pillar-tree thing. It's hard to miss from a distance, but when you get close you might lose track.The Empirical Darth Traya Strikes Again- Hallway 1 -Holocron 1/5, Blue Crystal- Right between the two doors as you exit is the first Holocron.
They do this to ENSURE that you have the Blue Crystal before the next level.- Research Room -Holocron 2/5, Combo Sphere- Back under the entrance door is a lower door. The room contains the second Holocron.Holocron 3/5, Talent Sphere- The next is inside one of the specimen tanks. Look for it on the left side. Break the glass with Push.- Hall 2 -This corridor is again filled with Stromtroopers.- Escape Pod Bay -Holocron 4/5, Power Sphere- Look for a Holocron in the back of the room under the last escape pod.- Hall 3 -Holocron 5/5, Lorrdian Power Crystal- The final hall. At the end, past the door out, are some barrels surrounding the last Holocron. Break down the door before it with SEVERAL Pushes.Cloud City- Bar Fight -Holocron 1/5, Ruusan Power Crystal- Overtop of the bar is your first Holocron.
You can reach it simply by jumping. Keep heading up.Holocron 2/5, Unstable Gold Crystal- On the second seating platform, there is a Carbonite freezer in the center with a Holocron inside.- Landing Platform 1 -Holocron 3/5, 10000 Force Points- If you jump off the side of the ramp, there is a Holocron in the corner of the platform.- Walkway -Holocron 4/5, Combo Sphere- Walk to the first round pillar. Take the left path and look over the edge, looking toward the platform below. There is a Holocron floating in mid-air.
You'll have to time your jumps perfectly to get it.(you're suppose to zap the fan things below on the platform, and ride the current up, but that DOES NOT work, you don't have enough momentum or reach to get to the Holocron).Holocron 5/5, Unstable Yellow Crystal- Return to the save point by the rail overhead in the center of the walkway. Jump up onto behind the train and wait for the train to move back on the rail. It is hiding a Holocron.Imperial Kashyyyk- Landing Site -Holocron 1/15, Compressed Blue Crystal- Back on Kashyyyk, things look darker now. Tilt the camera left to see the first Holocron right behind a rock. Walk up to the wreckage of the hut to start a cutscene and be taken to the other side.Holocron 2/15, Kento's Robes- On the other side, turn around and look for a small hut thing still standing.
Behind it is the Holocron.Holocron 3/15, 10000 Force Points- Beside where the Incinerator Troopers were, there is a Holocron floating in the air. You have to get on the stump beside it to reach it.- Comm Tower -Holocron 4/15, 10000 Force Points- The first thing you'll probably notice on the left is a Holocron on a ledge.
Don't even try this till you've cleared out the enemies. At the top of the ramp, near the Sith Holocron, you can jump to the ledge and walk over to the Holocron.Holocron 5/15, 10000 Force Points- Partway down the lower path is a beam overhead. Jump up onto it and follow it left onto another ledge.
Turning right, you should be able to see the Holocron.Holocron 6/15, Combo Sphere- Look around for the ramp that leads up. There will be Jumptroopers at the top. At the first bend, look across toward a pipe. There is a Holocron floating right there.
You'll have to jump and dash to reach it, while still landing on the platform below.Holocron 7/15, 10000 Force Points- while facing the upper generator, behind you is another Holocron floating in the air behind a large pipe. Jump and dash to reach it. We are now finally finished with this area.
Get back to the grassy area and throw a rock through the door to open it.- Trophy Room -Holocron 8/15, 10000 Force Points- In one of the cases is a Holocron. To exit the area, walk to the glowing door.- Snipers Nests -Holocron 9/15, Power Sphere- There are three Holocrons in the area. The first is inside the first sniper nest. You can easily jump inside and grab it.Holocron 10/15, 10000 Force Points- The second is inside the final Wookiee cage near the door the Shadow Guard comes through.Holocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- The final one is inside the last sniper nest on the left side. You can jump and dash to it from the top of the final Wookiee cage that housed the last Holocron.- Detention Hall -Holocron 12/15, Talent Sphere- The third has some Troopers, an EVO Trooper, and a Commander.It also has a Holocron in one of the cells. Use Grip to bend the cell door up.Holocron 13/15, 10000 Force Points- The fourth barrier has a Purge Trooper and E-WEM Turret.
Dash past the Trooper and take out the E-WEM first. It also has a Holocron in one of the cells. The final barrier has a Purge Trooper and that's it. Exit out the door behind him.- Skyhook -Holocron 14/15, Purple Crystal- Immediately on the right is a tree. On one of the branches is a Holocron in easy jumping distance.Holocron 15/15, 10000 Force Points- In your travels around the Skyhook, look for a Holocron between two of the couplings up near the structure.Imperial Felucia- Landing Site -Holocron 1/15, Green Crystal- The first Holocorn is also here, but it's not the one you see right off.
From where you started after jumping off the ledge, turn back around to the right to find a secret passage. At the end is an Incinerator Trooper, but the prize is a Green Lightsaber.Holocron 2/15, Talent Sphere- The second is probably the one you saw right off. It hovers above a large Sarlacc tooth. You'll have to use the debris in the area to build a platform to reach it (3 boxes should suffice).Holocron 3/15, 10000 Force Points- The final Holocron is at the back of the area. Keep going past the bridge. It's inside the last Sarlacc tooth.Holocron 4/15, Compressed Purple Crystal- At the other side of the bridge, DON'T JUMP DOWN! There is a Holocron on a mushroom on the right side.
You have to jump to the ledge under it to reach it.- Canyon -Holocron 5/15, 10000 Force Points- When you're done with the AT-ST, look for a ledge on one side (a ledge you can jump to) follow it to the avalanched area and look right for another ledge you can jump to. The Holocron is right in there.Holocron 6/15, Power Sphere- The next Holocron is on the same ledge. It leads around to where the E-WEBs where. Once you have the Holocron, drop back down and use Push to clear the rocks.- Sarlacc Pit -Holocron 7/15, Vexxtal Power Crystal- Be careful not to cut the cables on the top of the first cable car! You have to use them to reach the Holocron. With that in hand, lighting the glowing power box.Holocron 8/15, 10000 Force Points- There is another Holocron behind the first cable car. Jump down and grab it.Holocron 9/15, 10000 Force Points- Look above the overhang on the side of the tower over one of the bridges that lead to the cable cars for another Holocron.
One last bridge, one last box, and one last chain. Once you have finally zapped all three, the elevator in the tower becomes functional. Get on and ride it inside.- Sarlacc Stomach -Holocron 10/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- You'll come to a large storage area with nothing in it. When your pilot gets on the radio and says you're entering. And it's a large round room, look in the area above to spot a Holocron. To get to this one, you must use Dashing Blast.
Double-jump, dash, and tap Push. You have to line it up perfectly to reach it. If you don't make it, quickly pause and to Level Select. Reload the last save point and try again.Holocron 12/15, 10000 Force Points- In the lung room, stay on the right side of the area to collect a Holocron beside one of the pillars.
At the end of the tunnel, you get expelled out.- Battlegrounds -Holocron 13/15, Unstable Blue Crystal- When you're level or slightly above the turrets where the Imperials were, turn about and look for a Holocron floating in the air.Holocron 14/15, 10000 Force Points- Kill off all the enemies in this area. During the fighting you'll probably stumble across this Holocron on the left side of the path, behind a rock.Spider Droid Head- Once all the enemies are dead, look around for a large round metal object. Grip this object and carefully take it back to the large round area earlier.
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I don't recommend throwing it, as you might lose it. Just lift, move, set, repeat.Holocron 15/15, Combo Sphere- When you reach the area, set it under the Holocron we past earlier and use the extra height to reach it.Imperial Raxus Prime- Canyon -Holocron 1/15, Sigil Power Crystal- Jump over the ledge at start. Look for a ledge on the right side. Use it to get to a ledge on the left. The ledge leads to a cave, and down below is the Holocron.Holocron 2/15, 10000 Force Points- On the left side is a little nook with a couple Jawas. They guard the second Holocron.- Junk Bridge -Holocron 3/15, Power Sphere- On the other side of the steel girder bridge, look for a broken door-like thing. Push it down to reveal a Holocron.Holocron 4/15, 10000 Force Points- Jump across the gap here to continue, and grab the Holocron in the path.
You cant miss this one.- Battleground -Holocron 5/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 6/15, Compressed Green CrystalHolocron 7/15, 10000 Force Points- There are three Holocrons in the area where the Rodians and Imperials were fighting. One is in the tunnel where the Rodians spawned. Another is on a high cylinder platform on the right hand side near the ledge (jump to it to land on a small ledge half way up). The final one hangs over the top of the area. Jump up on the platforms on the left side, as if leaving the area, then turn Dashing Blast to it.- Imperial Hanger -Holocron 8/15, 10000 Force Points- In the transition tunnel is the next Holocron.
You also get a message from Juno saying Proxy has left the ship.Holocron 9/15, 10000 Force Points- The Scouts being where the are actually help you notice this Holocron. It's over the third tower almost dead center in the area.Holocron 10/15, Talents Sphere- The next Holocron fools a lot of people. They try to get on the elevator in the back of the room, and jump off at the catwalks to reach it.
Problem is the elevator travels to fast for this to work. The catwalk is held up with pillars, and these pillars have ledges on them large enough for you to jump off of.
This is how you get up there.- Tractor Beam Tower -Holocron 11/15, 10000 Force Points- At the top of the elevator, take a right and follow the left ledge down. This Holocron is at the end.Holocron 12/15, Unstable Purple Crystal- Before doing anything here, take a right and go up the ramp. At the top, there is an EVO Trooper guarding some boxes.
Kill him and move the boxes, then push/slash the wall behind them to reveal a path. Go all the way to the end to claim your prize.- Precarious Bridge -Holocron 13/15, Combo Sphere- Go back to the door you came in from and turn around, facing back to the exit.
The Holocron is on the Scout's ledge on the left side. To get there, you have to get on the lower left ledge near the exit, double-jump and Dashing Blast. You can overshoot, so be careful. Also remember to do it next to the exit door, because the gap is the smallest there.- Oval Corridor -Holocron 14/15, 10000 Force PointsHolocron 15/15, 10000 Force Points- There is also two Holocrons in the area. One on the left side and one of the right. Death Star- Hanger Bay -Holocron 1/15, Katak Power CrystalHolocron 2/15, 10000 Force Points- On the left and right side of the hanger are lifts that take you to the rafters. Grab the Holocrons on either side.- Firing Chamber -Holocron 3/15, 10000 Force Points- Past the first set of lenses, there is an enemy spawn points on the left.
The next is a little ways up on the right. Same deal, only this time there's a Holocron inside.Holocron 4/15, Unstable Green CrystalHolocron 5/15, 10000 Force Points- In the Control Room area, look around on the left side for a lift.
This will take you up to the rafters. Walk around to the laser's side and look for a beam over where the laser fires. Jump up on top of it. There is a Holocron to the left, and a Holocron to the right.- Amplification Chambers -Holocron 6/15, Talent Sphere- On the right side is a door that leads to the next Holocron. Might want to get it AFTER the Purge Troopers though.Holocron 7/15, 10000 Force Points- Two E-WEBs on the other side of this room.
On the right is another door with another Holocron.Holocron 8/15, 10000 Force Points- Past the last hall above, Dash across the chamber and grab the Holocron.Holocron 9/15, Power Sphere- Right before the first gyro is a door on the left that leads to an elevator. Exit out the door at the bottom, take a right, and in the large chamber go counterclockwise and get the next Holocron.Holocron 10/15, 10000 Force Points- Over the second gap is the Holocron. If you miss, you can drop down to the chamber below and take the elevators up to the central platform.- Convergence Chamber -Holocron 11/15, Black Crystal- At the top of the gravity lifts, look at the laser in the center of the two lifts. On the top of it is the Holocron. You have to ride the lift up, then Dashing Blast over to the top at just the right angle to avoid overshooting. Needless to say, I wouldn't try this while the laser is firing.Holocron 12/15, 10000 Force Points- Drop back down to the bottom, and raise up by one gravity ring.
Stop off and look for a Holocron within one of the lowest level laser rings.Holocron 13/15, 10000 Force Points- Next Holocron is three rings up on the side you originally came in the room from. That is, facing the power box for the lifts, the gravity lift to your right.Holocron 14/15, 10000 Force Points- Next one is on the opposite side of the room. On the uppermost platform. Ride the lift all the way up and jump off toward the wall. It's inside a door.Holocron 15/15, Combo Sphere- The final one is on the main platform that leads to the Emperors chamber.
It's very easy to find, but you'll have to fight for it.
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